Chapter VIII: The Missing Artifacts

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Dom stood inside the shadows of a large tree, hidden from plain sight.

His grey eyes were fixed on a large lizard-like monster, walking around Lake Lacroix.

Yes, it turned out the lake monster did exist.

The lizard lake monster stood a few feet from the water, its back turned away from where Dom was hiding. It was crouching down, seemingly distracted, and not paying attention to its surroundings.

The assassin used this as a chance to strike.

Suddenly, he appeared behind the monster. Up in the air, he took out his daggers, before landing on the lizard, giving it a large gash on its back.

The lizard groaned out in pain, turning its head towards Dom.


The assassin quickly disappeared into the shadows.

The lizard looked around in confusion, where did the human go?

Then, behind it, the elf appeared. With a smirk, Johann's eyes began to glow in a yellowish colour.

A purple eagle appeared in front of him, lightning surrounding its body.

Not long after, the eagle flew towards the lizard, dissolving once its body hit the monster.

Once the eagle dissolved, the lake monster was electrocuted by the remains of the eagle.

Before the lizard could react, Johann zipped through the air, spear in hand, and slashed his way through the lizard's body.

The lizard, bleeding heavily, clutched its waist, trying to stop itself from losing more blood.

The dragonborn then appeared from behind the lizard. He jumped into the air, grinning happily before hitting his knuckles together.

His yellow eyes began to glow as a fire started to envelop his body, emphasising his fists.

Then with a loud cackle, he landed a punch on the lizard's head, causing a large explosion.

Once the smoke cleared out, the dragonborn was nowhere to be found.

And the lizard's head had rolled away from its body.

With a new party member recruited, quests became much livelier.

Jaxon's addition to the team made Dom feel like he found a long-lost brother. As for Johann, it was like having an adopted son.

The young dragonborn knew how to bring the fun in commissions. When Johann and Dom could only focus on their goals, Jaxon was jumping up and down with excitement in the background, wanting to get things done quickly.

It was like babysitting a child, though technically that statement was true.

Still, Dom couldn't find any more leads on his target. He knew that he had to track down the Grand Wizard to be able to find the Long-Lost Princess.

But how? No one knew the whereabouts of the mysterious wizard since the incident that happened eighteen years ago.

Dom hated to admit it, but...

He was stuck.

He needed to find a commission that would lead him to a clue.

But what?

He's tried every commission around Stadtbergen, and none of them led to him gaining new information on his target.

Perhaps he needed to move away from Stadtbergen?

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