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The awkward silence could be cut by a hot knife.

His eyes glared daggers at me, and for a moment, I thought he was going to lunge forward and bludgeon me to death with his muscular fists.

"What on Earth are you wearing?" His voice was gruff, with a hint of annoyance. He wasn't mad. yet.

"I'm sorry," I began, fiddling with the cuffs if my hoodie.

"But I'm going to school Jake...I don't want to be sent home for indecent exposure."

He eyed me for a bit, his thumb rubbing the growing stubble in his chin. It was a miracle no one could hear the sounds if my knees buckling.

"Alright, let's go...remind me to buy you some decent outfits, okay?"

I was stunned, beyond shocked. Was he actually being nice to me?

"Are you gonna stand there all day?"

He walked to his car, and I followed him behind.

I wanted to sit at the back, but he insisted I take the seat next to him. I'm just getting shocked all morning.

The ride to school was slow, silent. This is not how I imagined my first ride in his car. I always imagined we'd be on some romantic getaway, and we'd make out feverishly in his car.

I fiddled with the radio knob.

"May I?" I asked meekly. I didn't want to be rude.

"Sure, I'm getting bored with the silence anyway."

I went through different channels, most of them had news, others country songs, others political talks. I was about to give the whole thing up, when I found a channel with Christina Perry's A Thousand Years.

I'd always loved that song, imagining it would be the song I would walk down the isle with. The lyrics were beautiful, and the fact that Twilight was in the video was just an added bonus.

I hummed along to the lyrics, all while looking at Jake, how his muscular hands gripped the steering wheel, how his hands gripped the gear every once in a while.

I watched the faint shean of sweat coat his pale forehead.

I have died everyday, waiting for you.

Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you.

For a thousand years.

I'll love you for a thousand more....

The song strangely brought Jake yo my mind. How I'd loved his since highschool, how it felt like I've loved him for A Thousand Years. But he didn't reciprocate my feelings, yet I was willing to love him for A Thousand more.

The car then came to an abrupt halt. We had arrived at the College.

"We're here," he announced.

"Oh,and I want to take you out on Saturday night." He said, his hand gripping my thigh.


"And this time, you'll wear what I pick out for you alright?"

"Alright," I echoed.

I was about to get out when he gripped my hand.

"How about a goodbye kiss?" He said, a sly grin on his face.

I looked around, careful so no none could see me. This college is very strict on indecent stuff as the chancellor put it.

When the coast was clear, I leaned in and kissed him. It lasted for a minute, but it left my stomach churning with excitement.

It was such a boyfriend move if you ask me.

I slung the bag pack on to my shoulder and sauntered out.

He veered off after a while.

I was surprised when someone gripped my shoulder.

"So, little Mr I'm too rich to care finally decided to treat you right."

I turned around and faced Gray. He looked extra cute today, with a black beanie, shiny lip gloss, and sparkly eye make up.

He had on some black  cargo pants and a white crop top that you wouldn't see well unless you paid attention.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want you to whack him in his sleep."

He sighed dreamily.

"I've been dreaming about that."

"C'mon, let's head on to class." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the building while he chattered my ears away on him and Romero's amazing sex life. Meanwhile I haven't gotten laid in what felt like forever.

I must've not been watching where I was going because I bumped into something. Scratch that, someone.

The bulky chest I bumped into made me think of my psychology professor, Mr Raymond, but when I glanced up, it was far from the case.


Big, goofy glasses now adorned his face and the slight stubble he had previously was shaved, and I now had a clear view of his double chin.

Suddenly, the night I had tried so hard to remember reached my brain in flashes. I remembered his voice, how he called me special. I suddenly had the urge to puke.

He gripped onto my arms.

"Are you okay?" His voice was still smooth, Luscious. Like water flowing from a rock in ripples.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." He countered.

"I'm hoping you remember me?...or this is gonna be awkward."

Gray glanced between us.

"Alright dawg, I'm gonna get to class." Gray said, then skipped, yes, skipped off to his fashion design class.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Yeah, hi." I was surprised at how my voice came out. Flat, uninterested.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I learn here." He deadpanned, and I felt like I had two braincells.

"What course?"

"Well I'm taking a short course on architecture, you?"


"Cool." He said, and tucked his hands in his jean pockets, his gaze lowering. He strangely reminded me of a child trying to impress this older guy he has had a crush on.

"So I was thinking....." He began.

"Uh-oh, that's dangerous."

"What's dangerous?" He asked, his face sulky. He had no idea where I was going with this.

"You.... thinking." I joked.

For the first time, I heard his laugh. It was snorty, short, ugly and filled with phlegm, but I liked it because it contrasted with his personality.

"Your funny." He chuckled "Anyway, I was wondering,if you'd like to hang out some time?"

I quirked a brow at him.

"Hanging out, doing what?"

He suddenly became all nervous. he opened and closed his mouth one too many times, trying to figure out what to say, but never finding the right words. It was cute.

"Give me your number?" I said, putting him out of his mysery and handing him my phone to punch his digits in.

He saved himself as El Macho😏, which I found hilarious as fuck. But he was macho.  I mean, look at that body.

I caught myself before I could embarrass myself for real.

My first text to him was a simple hey, with a kissy emoji and a blue heart.

He grinned.

"Alright, better get to class." He said shyly, then walked away to the elevator.

That was, interesting.

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