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I walked myself home, after sleeping on the park bench and wandering around till dreary noon. I smelt like a sewer and looked like one too. My head was down, drizzle droplets drenching my hair and tee, and dripping down my weakly developed abs. I kept replaying the kiss with Kain, over and over again and thinking about what would happen if Chelsea hadn't walked in. Perhaps a confession of undying love; the first chapter of a great love story, maybe I'd finally get over Jake and cut his puppeteer strings from me.

But yet here I was, walking back to that dreaded apartment, back to Jake.


I humbly knocked on the door. Once, twice, and for a second I thought I might have to sleep on the street.

He showed up, with sweatpants and a tight fitting black tee on, his bulge making the pants seem tighter. He reeked of expensive perfume and  toxic ego.

“The prodigal son has finally returned.” he spoke, smooth and calm as if I hadn't almost ruined his

“Can I come in Jake?”

“it depends, are you going to massacre my balls again?”

I felt uneasy. And instinctively, I covered my balls hoping he wouldn't think of returning the favor.

He smiled slyly and stepped aside so I could enter, but not without slapping my ass, roughly.

I immediately noticed the lights in the dining room was on and a bunch of people were chattering and munching.

I turned to Jake.

“Who is in here besides you?”

“why don't you see for yourself?”

I walked in and lo and behold, both my parents were sitted there, enjoying a nice Chinese meal under the dimming bulb.

When they saw me, silence ensued and the only thing that could be heard was my father's low grumble as he gobbled the noodles.

“Dimitri!” my mother exclaimed and leaped up to engulf me in a hug despite the fact that my clothes were all drenched.

She plastered my cheeks and forehead in kisses before letting me go so I could greet my dad.

“Hi dad.” I spoke meekly.

“Hi! Is that how I taught you to greet adults?!” I watched as his frown turned to a smile, then melted into a raging laughter.

“lighten up son.” he said, and engulfed me in an awkward hug.

“you are drenched...why don't you go freshen up and we can catch up over dinner.” he said sweetly then plopped himself back on the seat, while Jake awkwardly hovered.

I made my way to the shower and tried not to think about Jake or Kain.
I finished drying off and headed to the our room to change.

I peered through the closet, looking for something to change into but all I could see were some tight fitting biker shorts,and an even tighter tee. I tried rummaging further and deeper in the closet but all I could find was underwear. I don't know what kind of sick joke Jake was trying to pull but if he isn't careful, I'll ruin his nuts again.

And just then, conveniently, Jake decided to walk into the room.

“Jake, what are you trying to pull?”

“i'm not trying to pull anything sweetie.”

“Jake, my parents are down there! Am I supposed to walk in there with biker shorts?!”

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