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This chapter is dedicated to j3llyfisshh
Your comment motivated me to update 💙😅

I was having a straight up panic attack. it was in the early hours of the morning, the sun was beginning to rise, the air was tranquil and chirping birds filled the morning air with song.

Great right? Guess again...

Jake and Kamila were arguing in the living room, loudly as fuck, if I may add. I was actually planning on going to school today, and only had an acute one hour of sleep before I would show up to my lecture.

Yet they were here, barking at each other like a couple of angry seals. Lord help me.

I decided to get up from the bed, quietly,open the bedroom door, and see, no hear what was going on. And from what I was picking up, the fight was about me. Lil old me.

“Kamila, will you keep your voice down?!”

“No, the fuck I look like listening to you huh?” she screamed, “are you a homo or not?”

“i said I'm not a fag Kam, I told you,”

“then why don't you wanna move in with me so bad, huh?” she said,“you just wanna stay here in this filthy apartment, instead of moving in the mansion with me.”

“Kamila, it's much more complicated than that...”

“what the hell do you mean by complicated?”

I heard Jake sigh, and from here, I could feel his anger brewing.

“Kamila, just leave, we'll talk later, please.”

“oooh,” she oo-hed, “it's because of that roommate of yours, that lil white boy, huh?”

“You like him, don't you? Or maybe you don't wanna move in because you know you can't bring your hoes over, I see...”


“No, I'm done talking to you. Whenever y'all are done acting like a bunch of catholic school girls, call me.” she quipped and stormed out, raving like a bull. And I saw that one vein on Jake's forehead pulse and thump.

“Bitch.” he breathed out, once she was out the door.

He finally noticed my lil head poking out the bedroom door.

“How much of that did you hear?”

“All of it.” I meekly said.

“Sorry Dimitri, but I'll have to kill you now.” he casually said, and I felt a ripple of fear in my spine.

Then he burst into laughter.

“You should see your face right now.” he giggled.“Go on, go back to sleep now.”

“i actually have to prepare for school now.”

“oh, okay.” he said then walked back to the bedroom.


I was in a bad, terrible, horrible mood. I was just from Mr Mathers office who had taken his sweet little time to scold me about my ‘minimal’ attendance and how I would have to repeat a whole semester if I didn't pass the oncoming exam. But that's not the part that made me mad. He blamed my sexuality on my attendance and even asked for my dad's number so they could ‘talk’. As if I need my father and Mr Mathers discussing how they can fix me. Oh and did I mention he gave me a pamphlet for one of these youth empowerment groups who apparently, were ‘cured’ of the gay disease? Bullshit.

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