Afternoon Practice - Sosuke Yamazaki x male reader (Free!)

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~Third POV~

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~Third POV~

It was afternoon practice in Samezuka academy. The boys decided to do their own thing while waiting for their captain to give them warm ups.

Then Rin came into the natatorium and had his captain aura on. He came in with Sosuke and they were both prep for todays practice. Sosuke joined the rest of the group to wait for instructions.

"Alright guys gather around" he announced to the rest of the guys.

They all stopped their chatter and gathered around their captain. They saw him and stayed quiet not wanting to get someone elses attention.

"We have a special guest coming over and you do not want to embarrass yourselves when you practice. You have to show him your improvements" then came in their ex captain Seijuro.

They all groaned a bit knowing that he will be strict with them.

"Hey guys. Hows it going? Did you miss me?" some actually missed their old captain. Ever since he graduated and transferred to college he made Rin the next captain.

"Hows it going Senpai?" Niitori asked Seijuro.

"Its going well actually. I hope you guys made some improvements while I was away"

He tensed a bit forgetting something, or someone. He scanned the group and saw them missing. He exhaled a bit not wanting to face the demon.

"If youre looking for L/N-senpai hes in a meeting with the clubs advisor" his little brother Momotaro mentioned.

"Y-yeah I knew that" everyone chuckled a bit knowing that their tough ex captain is scared of someone.

Then they heard the door open. The room felt heavy and an overwhelming aura coming from there. Seijuro curse himself for jinxing it.

They all saw their manager walking in with his full glory.

He stood next to Rin and smirked at their expressions knowing that they will obey no matter what.

They heard of the rumor that in his old school he managed a swim team and everyone quit because of him. No one knows whether its real or not and he never confirmed it, which scares them.

"Hello senpai" he said with his stoic expression on.

"U-uh hello. Actually I was just about to leave. Good luck guys" he sped walk towards the door and closed it after himself. "Wait nii-san dont leave me here" Momotaru said with fake tears but was pulled back by Sosuke being unfazed by the males aura.

Everyone was tense. Even their ex captain is scared by him. Only their current captain and Sosuke is unfazed by him despite being childhood friends with him. They were used to it now because they know the real him.

Y/N nodded at Rin and gave a glance towards Sosuke. He knew that his gaze was filled with something else other than intimidation. Which he nodded back to Y/N.

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