Chapter 15

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H a r l a n

Earlier that day

Harlan had no idea why he offered to take Diana to Vancouver. He didn't necessarily have to go, the only thing he had to do in Vancouver was visiting Gemma. And that would be tiring enough, maybe this was a bad idea.

Holden was thinking of ways to back out while he packed. Taking a deep breath, he turned around and said "Are you going to come in, or are you just going to stand there?"

Selene watched him for a while before entering his room. "Why?" was all she said.

"Because" he knew what she meant.

"That is not a reason, Harlan." She crossed her arms.

"I'm going to see Gemma, if I didn't offer Damien was going to ask anyway." He was always too good at coming up with lies.

Selene rolled her eyes. "That might work on my mate but not on me, what is up with you and Diana?" she seemed annoyed. Oh, was she jealous? Fuck this was gold.

"Why, feeling jealous?" Harlan teased with a cheeky smile.

She didn't budge, her facial expressions remaining the same as she said "No." Okay, maybe he misinterpreted the situation. "I'm just trying to understand why you're so drawn to her. I'm worried you might hurt each other." She said sincerely.

"She can't hurt me" Harlan's smile disappeared and he grew more serious. "No one can."

"You might think that, but we both know that's not true" Selene gave him a sad smile before leaving again.


He was waiting in the seating area at the end of the hall. He could hear Diana moving around, probably getting ready. He honestly avoided her for an entire week just because he felt awkward around her, and now he was going to spend hours and hours sitting next to her. He definitely didn't think this through.

His eyes naturally snapped up as her door opened and it was hard for him to even look away. The blue dress hugged her curves perfectly, making her look astonishing. He had to fight hard for his jaw not to hit the floor and it took all of his willpower to look away.

Even while she was talking to Selene, he kept his peripheral vision on her. His eyes hurt.

He hurried over to the garage as soon as he could, trying to escape the dirty thoughts that clouded his mind. He felt like a teenager when he was around her. She was definitely doing something to him. This wasn't normal.

He randomly picked one of his cars and drove it out of the garage. While he waited for Diana he decided to make a call.

"Would you send the jet to Smithers"

"Wow, not even a hello," a female voice said from the other now "Is this the relationship we have now?"

"When has our relationship been any different?" He could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"Why do you need the jet?" She suddenly asked.

"I'm taking someone to Vancouver." Harlan refused to give more information than that.

"Diana Carter, right? Lovely girl, can't wait to meet her" Harlan rolled his eyes.

"Since when are you so nosy?" He smirked.

"You love me anyway" she teased.

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to" she giggled "I'll send you the jet but only if you say please."

"Fuck, you're so annoying." Harlan couldn't help but smile.

"Say: please Gemma, I love you," She said once again.

"Just send it Gemma," he said before he hung up. And just in time, it seemed as Diana came into view.


It took her ten seconds to try and turn on the radio, or so it seemed to him.

"Don't even think about it" he said with a serious tone, looking her in the eye while he grabbed her wrist.

"Eyes on the road!" She squealed, she was so human.

He snorted "Please" was all he said before looking back to the road.

"What do you mean' please'?!" She said angrily but she looked kinda cute.

"I'm a werewolf, I could drive full speed with my eyes closed and still wouldn't crash," he said casually.

She snorted back "There is no way," she could believe what she wanted to. He really didn't care. Besides he knew she could cave.

And sure enough, two seconds later she said "How?"

"Hearing," he said maintaining his serious expression. Knowing he was making her see red, he stopped there but eventually, he continued "I can hear everything, the sound the wheels make, the way the air surrounds us, any car in front or behind me, I can hear it all." He liked annoying her, he had no idea why.

"Cool" was all she said, thinking that would annoy him.

He didn't care though, he just stayed silent. But she kept staring so he had to ask.


"If I knew you were going to be such an asshole I would have never agreed to go with you."

"Why would you expect anything different?" he said with a half-smile he hid very well.

"Why did you even offer yourself then?"

"I needed to go to Vancouver to check on someone, I'm doing you a favor, you should thank me," He was playing with fire but he wasn't a stranger to burns.

"Thank you?!" she snapped "You haven't even apologized to me about--"

"Why would I apologize? I meant every word," he started "Besides, are you a two-year-old? Why do you need someone to apologize to you, that's useless." He did mean what he said, just not how he said it. But apologies were completely useless anyway.

She stayed quiet for a while, but then she said "God, were you raised by wolves?" she looked extremely embarrassed and he couldn't help but smile as she decided she wanted to die.


By the time they got into the jet, she seemed so annoyed she might explode. Harlan just took an opportunity to survey her. Eyeing her up and down. She looked so hot when she was upset, it made him want to worship every inch of her body until she was screaming with bliss.

"What?" she said. He didn't notice he was smirking.

"Nothing" he replied, maintaining his smirk as he looked away.

He didn't have to see her to know she was fuming. But it all seemed to go away once the chef offered her wine and cheese. Shit, she looked so cute, just like a little mouse nibbling on the cheese.

She fell asleep after that, not waking until they got to the Vancouver airport.

"We're here," He said, shaking her leg a bit with his foot.

She woke up immediately and stretched her arms as she looked out the window.

"I have some things to do, I've arranged for someone to take you home, you just have to tell them your address." Diana nodded.

Harlan got off the jet first, dreading having to do what was next. He was going to hate having to see her.

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