Chapter 60

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We lay naked, tangled up with each other, still catching our breath as Harlan sighed and got up.

"What?" I asked.

"I hate Damien so much," He said as he rummaged for clothes in the dresser. That is where he kept his clothes, I realized because the walk-in closet was empty. 

But to be completely honest I couldn't focus on what he was doing or saying as I had a perfect view of his behind and it was very distracting. "Why?" I said as I sat up, using the sheets to cover my bare chest.

"Because he just summoned us," he said as he wore a pair of jeans and glanced at me with need again. And just like that, I was ready for him. He seemed to have smelled it as his eyes darkened but I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

'I'm sorry to interfere in your time together, but you must come here at once ' Damien cockblocking us was expected but annoying.

"Do we have to go?" This time with Harlan had been so magnificent I didn't want it to end.

"As long as that fucking asshole is still the alpha, yes," he said rolling his eyes as he put on a black T-shirt. I admired him for a moment, his simple style of dressing enhanced his beauty in a way I couldn't explain.

"And now that I'm your mate he's my alpha too" I declared, defeated as I started putting on my borrowed clothes. "I'm ready, let's go."

He looked at my bare feet "Don't you want some shoes?"

"I already walked here barefoot, I'm fine," I said with a smile, I didn't want to impose anymore.

He nodded and we left the house.

"Aren't you going to lock the door?" I asked as he walked away.

"Di, we are in the middle of the forest, miles, and miles away from anyone. Besides, the only valuable thing in there was you,  and now that you left I couldn't care less about the stuff in there."

I rolled my eyes, smiled, and started walking beside him.


Harlan cursed all the way there but as soon as we were on their doorstep Selene opened the door and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're--" She stopped midsentence and took a step back, observed us, and then squealed. Squealed. "I knew it! I fuc- freaking knew it!" she corrected herself as she placed a hand atop her belly. 

Just as I wondered how they found out I heard Harlan's voice in my head 'They can smell it'

And while that seemed really weird, now that I was a wolf I could smell things that didn't have a scent before, like happiness... 

Damien practically ran over the second he heard her scream and he knew immediately. He hugged Harlan who seemed tense "This all makes so much sense now," he said not even looking at me.

Harlan rolled his eyes "Can we at least come in before you make a big deal out of it?" he told the couple that were still staring at us.

"Of course!" Selene said stepping aside and letting us come in. "Damien called for a meeting so you could tell us all about the attack but I'm more interested in this now" she smiled.

Damien and Harlan stayed behind for a bit as Selene led me to the room. It felt weird being away from him for more than two seconds. But she spoke, "Damien will avoid you for a couple of months." I was startled by the announcement but I understood soon enough.

"I don't think Harlan would get jealous--"

"They can't help it" she interrupted "They get really sensitive when the bond is new, he was doing his best, but you two even being in the same room was triggering for him."

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