Chapter 54

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I stood there for a moment in the crisp night air, wondering what in the actual hell just happened.

Then the images started flooding into my head, his words, the kiss. I realized then and there I never told him. I never said what I came here to say, that I don't love Blaze, I love him.

God, I was so stupid, I let myself get carried away by my hormones like a teenager.

I needed to look for him. I needed to tell him the truth.

Also, what did he mean by not being enough for me? What the hell was that about? 

I always knew Harlan hated himself, probably because of the abuse he endured from his horrible father, but I wonder if that is what fuels that sort of senseless thought. 

Whatever the answer was, I needed to talk to him, needed to explain. So I once again followed his scent. This time it was easier, for some reason, it was like after that kiss my feelings for him were heightened.

I ran as I tracked him and I could feel he was close. I took a turn following a path I wasn't very familiar with and as I saw a tail I got excited.

"Harlan!" I said and immediately knew something was wrong as the creature turned around with its orange eyes glowing like headlights and growling fiercely.  Eyes I'd seen before.

I remembered it now.


The memories started flooding in like a tide trying to take me over. I remembered when Everest showed up at the hospital with a referral I can safely assume was fake.

I remember he was charming and kind but there was always something about him, something that felt wrong. 

He'd always ask too many questions, always too interested in me. I was flattered because he was attractive, but I never took it further.

One day he'd said, "I know a friend that is looking to open a private clinic in Miracle, he's looking for someone with your area of expertise and I took the liberty of recommending you."

I remember being surprised "I am quite comfortable with my job here, though I appreciate you taking me into consideration." 

"You don't have to take it, just promise you will think about it, my friend will be calling you."

His "friend" did call me and made an offer I couldn't refuse. I thought about it for a week and thought nothing was holding me here since my grandmother died. This could be the fresh start I was needing.

But it wasn't. Because when I showed up at the address he gave me I was attacked from behind, by someone with glowing orange eyes.

That man brutally attacked me and left me in the woods to die.


The second it took me to react because of the flashback cost me greatly as I barely had time to scream as it lunged at me.

I could not physically stop him, not in a human form. I wasn't strong enough and I couldn't run anymore.

I managed to kick him off before he ripped out my neck and scrambled to get up right before another tackled me from behind, two others biting my Achilles tendons so I couldn't run.

It was an orchestrated attack, there were too many, I couldn't run, and I could barely fight as one of them bit me on the shoulder to drag me away.

The pain was blinding, someone was screaming, it could have been me, but as the attacks kept coming I lost consciousness. Calling for help in my mind, screaming for him.

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