Alice's Lullaby

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Chapter 7

Jasper POV

I sat on my bed and began strumming random chords. Before I knew it, I had a complete melody written inside my head. Worried encase I forgot them I scribbled them down quickly onto a piece of paper. I was thinking of Alice when I came up with the melody. Simple yet beautiful, just like her. I was pleased with what I had written and began to add more intricate chords when there was a knock at my door,

"Come in Rose." I said, continuing to play. Rosalie opened the door and peered in,

"You have a visitor." She smirked. I looked up from my guitar and Rosalie stepped aside to reveal who it was,

"Hey Jazzy," She smiled widely,

"Hello Alice." I beamed. Rosalie giggled and shoved Alice inside my room before closing the door. I heard her run downstairs,

"What are you up to?" She questioned me, staring at the guitar,

"Just playing," I shrugged my shoulders,

"What are you playing?" She asked,

"Just a song I wrote." I smiled at her questions,

"Oh," She said, still staring at the guitar,

"Would you like me to play it for you?" I asked her quietly,

"Would you? Oh that would be so cool Jazz!" She squealed. She sat down on the floor in front of me and crossed her legs. She looked beautiful today, as always. She was wearing a gray knee length dress with floral lace over it. She wore a long, black cardigan, black tights and silver ballet pumps. Her inky black hair was styled perfectly into her usual intricate flicks and spikes. I gazed into the bright, violet eyes for a moment before playing my tune. I didn't look at her as I played, embarrassed to see her reaction. After I finished I looked up at her shyly,

"That was beautiful Jazz," She whispered,

"Thanks." I replied lamely,

"What is it called?" She asked me, getting up from her spot and sitting beside me on the bed. I thought about my answer for a moment before saying,

"Alice's Lullaby," She stared at me,

"Really," I nodded, "Thank you Jazzy." I smiled and placed my guitar down. I hugged her more tightly than usual, my bruises had began to disappear and I wasn't as sore as they used to be so I took my chance at a normal hug. Alice returned my gesture eagerly,

"So what are you doing today, Ali?" I pulled away from her reluctantly,

"Nothing," She shrugged, "I was kind of hoping, we could hang out?" She fiddled with my fingers as she spoke,

"Sure, where do you want to go?" I asked her,

"Why don't we go get a movie and watch it here?" She suggested. I didn't answer her I simply picked her up bridal-style and carried her downstairs. Rosalie gave us a look,

"Where are you two lovebirds going?" She teased,

"Just to the store to get a movie, do you want anything?" I asked her innocently. She shook her head and I carried Alice outside. Sitting there in front of my house was her car. It was gorgeous! Alice would definitely suit it. I grinned,

"That is definitely an Alice car." She laughed,

"I love it; do you want to drive it?" She asked,

"Yes!" I shouted, a Porsche! Awesome. I helped Alice into the car. I then eagerly sprinted over the driver's side and climbed in. We sped quickly to the store, ignoring the looks from passers by.

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