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Chapter 21

Jasper P.O.V

Once Emmett's interview was finished, Carlisle drove Alice, Rosalie Emmett and I to the hospital. I was apprehensive about the visit, I didn't like hospitals very much either. I think it is an irrational fear, imposed by Matthew and Daniel's threats to kill us if we went there. The ride was silent, Alice sat in the front with Carlisle, she must have grown tired of the quiet car because she put the radio on. I wasn't really listening to the music, I was staring out of the window, thinking carefully. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I didn't know who could answer them. I wanted to know what would happen to Matthew and Daniel, would they be locked away forever? Where would Rosalie and I live now? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realise the car had stopped. I felt Rosalie leave my side and realised we were here. I exited the car and Carlisle locked it,

"Just follow me," he said. We all walked behind him, Alice holding my hand, Emmett holding Rosalie's. Carlisle led us into a lift and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. When we arrived on the floor two nurses greeted us and took us to a waiting room,

"What happens now?" I asked Carlisle,

"Well, Rosalie will be check first, and then you," he answered quietly. I knew he felt some guilt, he probably thought he could have saved us that night when we came to the hospital. He had known, and I had made him not tell anyone,

"Okay," I nodded. Carlisle left us in the room, he had to go and get everything ready. Emmett and Rosalie sat together, Emmett watching the TV and Rosalie flicking through magazines. She had never really been allowed to buy any magazines before, I always wondered why. Alice and I sat next to each other at the window seat. She looked at me with those big, violet eyes,

"You'll be okay," she assured me,

"I know I will. You will stay with me, won't you?"

"Of course I will, I promised, didn't I?" I smiled,

"Yes you did," I looked at her, adoration and love filling my entire being. Alice and I forever.

Rosalie didn't make much of a fuss, just as Alice had predicted. She did cry the whole time though, and it broke my heart. I felt guilty the whole time, I was her brother who had vowed to always protect her. It was my job and I had failed miserably. I should have tried harder, made more of an effort. I could have stopped all of this pain ever happening to her, but then again why should she have been subjected to it anyway? He was her father, he should never have done anything like that to her. I shivered as memories flooded back of him making me watch, I was only small then, I didn't understand. I brought myself back to the present, no point dwelling on the past. Alice and I were sitting alone in the waiting room now, Rosalie had been taken home by Emmett. Esme had collected them but she didn't come in to see us. I was holding Alice's hand and trying to calm down, she had a worried expression on her beautiful face,

"Are you sure your okay, Jasper?" she asked,

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I said quietly,

"Really? Carlisle can examine you later," I shook my head violently,

"No, I want to get it done with,"

"Okay," she whispered. She floated out of the room to go and tell Carlisle we were ready. I waited patiently until she came back a few minutes later,

"Ready?" she asked, I nodded. We walked hand in hand into a little private room. There was a bed and a chair. Carlisle was already in the room, white jacket on and latex gloves secure. He gestured for me to get onto the bed and I obliged. Alice placed herself gracefully on the seat next to me and took my hand. She made circle shapes on my palm with her tiny fingers,

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