Marriage, Pregnancy & Premonitions

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Chapter 16

Jasper P.O.V

I was smiling at my dream, but my smile was quickly wiped away when I took in my surroundings. Rosalie was leaning over me, looking anxious, dabbing my face with a blood stained rag. I felt a rush of love run through me. Rosalie was obviously in pain but she was so selfless, always thinking about others before herself. So much like mom, I smiled weakly at her,

"Are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere? Do you need anything?" Rosalie asked me in a concerned voice,

"I'm okay Rose, I am sore but there isn't much you can do," I wasn't lying, I was in pain all over. I could tell I would soon be black and blue, if I wasn't already, I then realised I was on my bed,

"How did I get to my bed?" I asked, brows knitted together in confusion,

"I managed to drag you, I might be responsible for a few cuts." She looked down, ashamed,

"Thanks Rosie," I smiled. She smiled back and continued to dab my wounds,

"How are you?" I asked, concerned,

"I'm fine Jazz, I will take some painkillers. Nothing I haven't experienced before," I nodded, she then used the horrid antiseptic wipes that sting like hell on me, I kept wincing and she hesitated but I told her to continue. I was now faced with many issues. The most prominent being how I was going to cover up my injuries tomorrow. But I then decided that either Rosalie could cover them or I would come up with a story. The thing that was annoying me the most was the text message from Alice. It was like she knew what was going on in my house at that exact moment, like she knew what I was about to do. Well she obviously had an inkling about something. I knew Emmett wouldn't have told her, but maybe she had overheard something? Or maybe Emmett talks in his sleep, Rosalie interrupted my reverie,

"Alice phoned," I shot up into a sitting position at that, instantly regretting it. I was in immense pain,

"What did she want?" I whispered, hurt coursing through my body,

"She wanted to check something," She tried to push me back down, I resisted,

"Check on what?" I asked her,

"You," She seemed confused too, her brows knitted together exactly like mine did,

"What do you mean?"

"She, said she had a feeling that you got hurt,"

"Oh," she nodded,

"At first I thought she knew, but then I remembered Emmett telling me that she was very perceptive." I nodded, she certainly seemed to be. I looked at the clock and groaned it was 5:50, there was absolutely no point in trying to get anymore sleep. Rosalie helped me up, I cringed as I got into a standing position. I always hurt after Matthew's attacks, but with Daniel's help, it was so much more worse. Rosalie suggested I go for a shower so I did as I was told. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my eyes widened in shock. My pale skin was covered in purpling bruises over my chest, legs and arms. I had a bloody and swollen lip and a beauty of a bruise over my left eye. I was sure I had another broken rib and was covered everywhere in bleeding scratches. Every step sent a wave of pain over me. I stepped into the warm shower and hissed as the water hit my body. I stood still, letting the water untangle my tense muscles. I looked at the flow of water going down the plughole, tinged with fresh, ruby red blood. I washed and then cautiously got out of the shower. The last thing I needed was for me to slip and fall on the slippery floor. I dried carefully, dabbing the sorer parts of my body. Rosalie had handed me clothes before I went into the bathroom which she had been warming on the radiator. They were still warm when I pulled them on. Always one step ahead, she had given me a black turtleneck and jeans. The outfit covered almost all of my injuries, of course the only issue now was my face. Rosalie and I decided that covering the bruise wouldn't look good so we came up with a story instead. Rosalie had bruises too, and she was walking funny. She promised me it was nothing she couldn't handle and went for a quick shower. She had tidied my bedroom when I was washing, I could smell the scent of bleach. There were faint brown marks where my blood had stained the carpet. She even stripped my bed, it must have been bloody too. I wanted to relieve a burden from Rosalie so I decided to make Matthew and Daniel's breakfast. I was just placing the plates in the oven when Rose reappeared. She covered herself well, wearing a long sleeved t-shirt. Fortunately she did not have any facial bruising to cover. We ate our toast in silence, both of us chucking down painkillers with some water, and then we left for school. I was dreading it in some ways, and looking forward to it in others. I wanted to know what Alice knew about our situation but I didn't want to answer the millions of questions I was sure to receive about my face. It would be a long, long day.

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