Chapter 3: The Unwanted Wife

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In the first-ever conversation he had with me, he inquired, "Pray, what is your name?" Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel perplexed, whether he was in earnest ignorant of my name. My eyes fell upon a love bite on his neck, and I couldn't stave off the feeling of anguish, so I averted my gaze and inhaled deeply. Despite my emotional turmoil, I wanted to engage in conversation with him, and lo and behold, there he was! Therefore, I resolved to take this opportunity and speak up.

"I'm Scarlett Ravenswood, my lord," I said quietly, not forgetting that he was the grandson of the Mayor. He gleamed with mirth as he echoed my name back to me.

"I'll remember that!" he exclaimed with a chuckle and stood upright, towering over me with his towering height. Despite being reputed to be the tallest woman in my village, I felt diminutive in comparison to him.

He turned around and picked up a paper, perused it briefly, and then queried, "And what is your age?" Feeling awkward, I shifted my weight to my other foot. "I am eighteen," I replied, whereupon he gazed back at me with an expressionless countenance. "I had almost thought you were fifteen or sixteen. Well, you had me there," he remarked with a touch of jocularity.

I was cognizant that it was rather uncommon for a woman of my age to be unmarried, but for me, I had no yearning to marry, at least not in the conventional sense.

"Well Scarlett, I must confess, you are quite attractive. More so than your sister, what was her name again?"

As I stood there, his forgetfulness left me increasingly befuddled. My sister had been smitten with him, yet here he was, not even remembering her name. I couldn't help but wonder why she had absconded, despite being so enamored of him. And how could he forget her name? I knew I was a substitute, but why had he overlooked Meredith? All these thoughts were causing a knot to form in my stomach, and I felt overwhelmed by it all. As much as I yearned to inquire of him, I didn't want to appear impolite or intrusive. Hence, I kept my thoughts to myself and resolved to await the appropriate moment to pose my question.

"It's Meredith," I enunciated deliberately, and he nodded slowly, his lips curving upwards.

"Oh yes, Meredith, old news now," he quipped.

"Pardon me, my lord," I began tentatively, noting his lack of interest but still determined to speak my mind. "There is something I wish to discuss with you, if I may."

"I know. I know! Let's get it over with," he answered and strode towards me with open arms, whereupon I couldn't help but recoil, gazing at him with confusion at his sudden actions.

"Pray, what ails you, my lady? I thought you would be fine consummating the marriage since you were so eager to take your sister's shoe and marry me," he said, with a hint of chiding in his voice.

"Your lordship," I began, my heart heavy with trepidation, "I implore you to understand the gravity of the situation," I said, feeling a pang of uneasiness wash over me as he spoke of me in such a dismissive way. But I managed to compose myself, reminding myself that he didn't know me well.

"Is that so?" he sneered, his countenance betraying his true intent. "Then perhaps you wish to be enlightened on the subject of divorce?"

At these words, my heart sank, and a sense of desolation consumed me. It was clear to me now that my lord had no interest in continuing with our union. I was overcome with a sense of helplessness, for I knew not what to do. Returning to my father's house was not an option, for he had made it known that my presence would bring shame upon our family. During his recent visit, my father had even expressed his relief that my sister, Meredith, had not returned home, for her return would have been a source of disgrace in our community.

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