Chapter Four - Seeking Purpose

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The demi-god of love. He was the last true king of the bloodline of Yimen, the first breed of a double spirit; the spirit of a priest and the spirit of a king. Before him priests and kings existed separately. The spirit of a king could compel by command, anyone who lived in his continent except the priests. Yimen after the fallout ****(the story on the origin of their world and all that happened before Razan a book titled "Ke-Sie" )**** with the deformed 6 became so depressed of self guilt and pleaded to Yiba for death since he was a demi-god. In other to continue the human race his god-infinite-energy was split into two and half was used to create a companion "Vettika" the first woman. She had the priest-like portion creating the spirit plane. In times past, to seek Yiba, a king would have to enter the threshold beyond the spirit plane while reviving with a priestess and in cases where the king spirit was in a female (Queen) it'll be with a priest. Soon the seeds of the deformed six also spread the Ini-Wari and Sei-Teme used them to collapse the initial stable society into a function of greed and pride.

Using their priests, Sei-Teme attacked other spirituals in the spirit plane. Soon they figured out the bones of a dead king crushed to dust and eaten also gave an ordinary man the compelling power of a king but this effect lasted for 3 days after which a quantity of the crushed bones are eaten again. They called it the "Datash".

New kings arose and with the help of the priests they would fight back to regain their kingdom from the hands of Sei-Teme's kings. It became an endless circle of wars and bloodshed so Yiba fused the two spirits into one of pure bloodline of Yimen. Only the kings who seeked Yiba's threshold could become demi-gods until Ini-Wari was a stable society again.

This angered Sei-Teme and he declared war destroying the continent of Yimen. Trivan the first of his kind was still yet to become a demi-god. He was the most meek man to ever exist. So meek that he refused to use his compulsion ability on his subjects instead he decided to trust them as a normal man. His cabinet was betrayed by one of his generals and his kingdom destroyed along as the continent sank into the ocean.

He fled with a handful seeking refuge in Moque disguised as a commoner. He became a demi-god after 20 years, overthrowned the king of Moque and re-established his kingdom. The Moqueans submitted to his rule but they were barbaric and slow learners. With them it was difficult to accomplish what he did with Yimen. Moque was also destroyed and he fled for Argta on a mission to fill the planet with his bloodline.

As a demi-god he could not have children so he left his body and possessed it from the spirit plane moving from city to city leaving a trail of children. His body eventually died and where it was buried the kings flower grew, a connection link to Trivan for his bloodline to seek his guidance, willing their spirit tomb to be possessed.

With them he kept improving civilization under the nose of Sei-Teme's empire awaiting a new king spirit.

After many centuries of king spirits with none successful at becoming a demi-god the planet was plunging into complete destruction. The kings of the remaining 4 continents had been brainwashed to compete against themselves with their minds engulfed in pride and greed for gold. The tension between the continents was pointing towards another global war.

***************** Tivan ********************

Razan got home and explained to his mother what happened, she recalled her mother was a follower of Trivan known as the spirit of good fortune and right choices as they often prayed in temples as kids in her clan.

The next day she took a horse and after a 2 days journey they arrived at her house. She was confined to a bed after she lost her sight in a battle in the spirit plane while defending her family members from an attack.

After explaining the situation, she directed them to where her scrolls where. She talked to him when they were left alone telling him to be careful in the spirit plane and do everything discreetly because Sei-Teme's minions had higher grounds within the entire planet positioned at powerful ranks.

They journeyed back the next day and he spent a month reading the scrolls. They described the story of Trivan and how his followers can will their spirit tombs to him. Details of how priests could find him and have conversations with him in the spirit plane but nothing about Yiba's threshold.

He saw it as though it was hopeless but held on to it as he resumed for level 6. Only level 6 spirituals had the freedom of using the kings flower, with everything he read from the scrolls he located Trivan in the spirit plane.

Their meetings were sworn to secrecy and in time the mystery of their world was revealed by Trivan. He also showed him to use spirit dust combined with the kings flower to revive spirit energy temporarily until he had eaten enough food to balance himself, it could take days to heal completely as he would be weak and weary.

The conditions for becoming a demi-god was impressing Yiba with mastery of at least 10 skills coupled with an interesting personality. He could also enter Yiba's threshold by calling out Yiba in the spirit plane existing in all three planes at same time.

Razan began to understand how confused and lost people were, focusing on a wrong perspective of greed and pride and started drifting from the normal societal standards.....

Still he had to be careful as his status as a the kings spirit meant trouble for his bones.

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