Chapter 15

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Hazel POV

I couldn't believe it was already Friday. I had been dreading this dinner party all week and had even tried to convince Chloe to cancel it, but she was insistent on having everyone over.

At work, I kept my distance from Aiden. Thankfully, he was very busy in court this week, and I didn't really see him. But on Friday morning, before he left the office, he told me he would see me later.

Chloe planned on ordering takeout, but I decided to cook dinner. Chloe and I got things ready, and before we knew it, the doorbell rang, and the first to arrive was Dr. Anderson.

"Hey, Hazel, you look lovely," he said with a smile.

"Thanks." I replied, feeling a little shy.

Chloe and Dr. Anderson started chatting, and I joined in. We talked about work, the news, and some local events. I was happy to have someone to talk to who wasn't Aiden, but as soon as the doorbell rang again, I knew my peace was over.

Chloe went to answer the door, and Dr. Anderson and I stayed in the living room. As soon as Aiden and Spencer entered the living room, Michael insisted

"Please, Hazel. Call me Michael, " he said.

I blushed and replied, "Ok, Michael." For some odd reason, I felt like Aiden seemed uncomfortable.

"Hey, Hazel. Doctor Anderson," Aiden said, but his eyes seemed to be fixed on Michael.

"Hello," I said, feeling a little awkward.

"Hello," Michael replied.

Chloe kept the conversation going throughout dinner, and I was grateful for her social skills. She kept complimenting me, which I found embarrassing, but Michael would follow her lead.

"You're quite the cook, Hazel," he said.

"Thank you. I enjoy it," I replied, feeling a little proud.

Aiden chimed in, "Yeah, the food is great."

Spencer tried to flirt with Chloe all night, but she always blew him off.

After dinner, we all went to the living room, and Chloe got us to play charades.

As the night was ending, I started feeling a little light-headed, but I did my best to pretend like I was okay. Aiden immediately noticed and was about to ask me if I was okay when I passed out.

I woke up a few seconds later, with Aiden holding me. Chloe was panicking, and Michael ran to my side to examine me.

"Hazel, are you okay?" Michael asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, really. I just got a little dizzy," I insisted, but Michael wasn't convinced.

"I should give you a check-up tomorrow," he said.

I insisted that I was okay, then to my dismay. Aiden said, "This just happened on Saturday in the elevator. I don't think that's normal." I instantly felt annoyed that Aiden had to mention this just now.

"What?!Why didn't you tell me about what happened in the elevator?" Chloe asked, almost crying.

"I'm sorry, Chloe. I didn't want you to worry," I said, feeling guilty.

Chloe made me promise not to keep anything from her ever again, and I agreed.

As I tried to get up from the sofa, both Aiden and Michael insisted on carrying me to my room.

"I can walk, really," I protested, but they didn't listen.

Aiden ended up picking me up against my wishes, and Michael and Chloe followed us to my room. I felt extremely awkward having Aiden and Michael there. Thankfully, Spencer stayed in the living room.

Michael wanted me to go to a  checked up tomorrow, but I somehow convinced him I was ok. Neither Aiden nor Michael looked convinced, but thankfully, they didn't argue with me.

Then they all left, and Chloe came back to my room. "Hazel. Are you sure you're feeling ok?" She asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, Chloe. I promise. Even tho I don't like going to the doctors, you know I would go if I needed to." I replied.

"Ok, but if you ever keep something from me ever again, I will never forgive you,"  she warned me.

"I promise I won't, Chlo." I replied, and then we both fell asleep .

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