Chapter 35

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Hazel POV

I observed from the sidelines, aware of the secret that lay between us. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that I couldn't openly celebrate our relationship, but I held onto the hope that someday we could tell people.

Lost in thought, I didn't hear when Michael walked up to me. He stretched out his hand and said, "Dance with me."

"Okay," I replied, taking his hand. "I can't dance, though."

"I saw you dancing with Aiden. It seems like you're actually a fine dancer," he responded.

"Not really," I said as he took me in his arms, and we started dancing.

"Well, you're doing great," he reassured me.

"Thanks. Uh, where's Chloe?" I asked him.

"Oh, she found a boy she liked. She actually said she was going to text you," he said, and as if on cue, my phone vibrated. I quickly looked at it, and sure enough, Chloe texted me that she was spending the night at a guy's house.

"Well, she just texted me," I replied.

"Don't worry, I can take you home," Michael offered.

"Oh, that's..." I started to say.

"Oh, that's not necessary. Hazel is my neighbor, and I can give her a ride," Aiden said as he walked up to us. We stopped dancing and looked at Aiden.

"It's really no trouble. I'm sure Hazel doesn't want to stay here until the party finishes. You are the host and can't leave your own party to drop someone off early," Michael replied.

"It's really my dad's party. I can pretty much leave when I like, and I can take Hazel home," Aiden murmured.

"Well, it doesn't seem that way. You've been dancing all night with different women. What if you want to take one of them home? I'm sure Hazel here wouldn't feel comfortable..."

"I wouldn't do that to Hazel," Aiden said, sounding mad.

"Um, guys, I'm right here. You two don't need to worry. Chloe actually hired a driver for us tonight. He just a call away," I replied.

"But didn't Chloe leave?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah, but Chloe asked the driver to pick me up when I was ready to leave," I replied.

"So you two don't..." I started to say, but Michael's phone started ringing.

"Sorry, excuse me," he said as he went to answer his phone.

"Hazel..." Aiden started to say, but Michael came back.

He looked at me and said, "I have to go. The hospital called. I'm sorry," he said.

"Oh, that's okay," I replied.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" he insisted.

"It's okay. I'll see you on Saturday," I replied.

"Right, Saturday. Bye, Hazel," he said as he gave me a hug, which honestly surprised me since he hadn't hugged me before.

Then he turned towards Aiden. "Congratulations," he said, and Aiden simply replied, "Thanks," in a flat tone.

"Bye, Hazel," Michael said as he walked away, and I waved at him.

"Why don't we head out too?" Aiden said, joining me.

"But you can't leave your own party," I replied.

"I'm honestly done. This party was mostly for my dad and his associates. I really wouldn't mind leaving," he said. He leaned in and whispered, "I'd rather spend time with my date."

"But..." I tried to say, but Aiden said, "Give me five minutes, and I'll meet you at the back exit," as he walked away.

I called the driver and informed him that he didn't have to pick me up.

I leaned against the back exit, taking in the quietness of the surroundings. It was a relief to be away from the noise and commotion of the party.

I heard a car approaching and turned to see Aiden driving up to me. A smile crept across my face as he pulled up, and I hopped into his car. "Ready to go home?" he asked, and I nodded in response.

As we arrived at the parking garage in our apartment building, Aiden asked, "Chloe isn't home, right?"

"No," I replied.

"Would you like to spend the night with me?" he asked, causing a blush to rise to my cheeks.

"Umm," I stumbled over my words.

"Oh, I don't mean it like that. I just meant if you'd like to spend the night with me. I hardly spent any time with you today, and I would love to simply spend the night with my girlfriend," he clarified.

"Okay," I replied.

Aiden smiled and said, "Let's head upstairs." I nodded as we made our way to his apartment.

Entering his place, I took a quick glance around. It was about the same size as Chloe's apartment, but you could tell it had a bachelor pad vibe.

"Let's go to my room," he suggested, and I followed him.

We entered his room, and he said, "Don't worry, I can sleep on the floor if you'd like."

"No, it's fine. Just stay on your side of the bed," I joked.

He raised both hands and said, "Scout's honor." Then he walked into the closet and emerged with a set of pajamas. "Here, you can change into this," he said, gesturing towards his bathroom.

"Thanks," I said, taking the pajamas and heading into the bathroom.

I quickly changed and came out. Aiden was already in his pajamas, sitting on the bed. Goodness, he looked good in anything.

I hesitated for a moment but then walked over to the bed and sat down. "Come here," he said, and I scooted closer as he held me.

He wrapped his arms around me, and I could feel his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"I wish we could be open about our relationship," Aiden murmured, his voice filled with longing.

"I know," I replied, my voice carrying a tinge of sadness.

"Hey, now that I remember, you were going to give me something," he said, his eyes brightening.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied, trying to downplay it.

He sat up and looked at me intently. "Hazel, I want my gift."

"It was just a small gesture. I'm not sure if you'll like it," I said, recalling the extravagant gift his ex-girlfriend had given him.

"Hazel, I'm going to love anything you give me, so please, give me my gift," he insisted. I hesitated for a moment but eventually got out of bed and retrieved the box from my purse.

I stood next to him and handed it over. Aiden looked at the box and smiled before opening it. Inside was a simple watch, engraved with the words, "Stay true to yourself and speak up for those who can't defend themselves."

"Hazel, I love it," he said, his eyes gleaming with appreciation.

"It's not a Rolex," I whispered, averting my gaze.

"Hazel, that means nothing to me, and this means everything," he said, gently turning my face to meet his, before leaning in to kiss me. "Hazel, I'm really sorry about everything. I didn't know Stacy was going to be there, and I'm sorry for dancing with those women. My father insisted that I..."

"It's okay, Aiden. I understand," I interrupted, wanting to reassure him.

"No, it's not okay. I should have danced with you all night," he responded, his voice filled with regret.

"I understand, Aiden. Really, come on, it's late. Let's go to be," I replied.

He sighed and said, "Ok, let's go to bed." I nodded, and we both settled in, eventually drifting off to sleep, wrapped in each other's embrace.

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