Chapter 21

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Hazel POV

The weekend had arrived. On Saturday, I went to the hospital to visit the kids. I asked Michael to help me entertain the kids in the play room. The kids were a bit hesitant at first since Micwas there but they slowly warmed up to him. Before I knew it, the evening rolled around, and I went to bed early knowing u had a full day ahead of me tomorrow.

I woke up on Sunday and dressed in comfortable clothes. Aiden texted me that he and Alice were waiting for me downstairs.

I made my way downstairs. As I approached, I saw Alice sitting on a bench, her face lighting up with a wide smile as she spotted me. "Hazel!" she exclaimed, waving enthusiastically. "I'm so excited for today!" She said, giving me a hug.

I smiled back at her infectious enthusiasm and took a seat beside her. "I'm excited too, Alice! It's going to be a fun day."

Just then, Aiden walked over with a relaxed smile on his face. "Hey, ladies! Ready for some adventure?"

Alice jumped up from the bench. "Definitely! Let's get started!"

We began our day at the park, enjoying our surroundings and the warm sunshine. Aiden suggested we take a  stroll along the winding paths, and Alice eagerly agreed, taking his arm, as well as mine.

As we reached a picturesque spot by the lake, Alice turned to me. Let's take a selfie. I want a picture of the three of us"

"Sure," I replied, with a smile, and we took a picture with Aiden's phone.

"Aiden, don't forget to send it to Hazel," Alice said.

"I won't." he smiled at her.

After the park, we made our way to a nearby movie theater. Aiden had heard about a new release and thought it would be a great way to relax.

After the movie, we headed to a cozy restaurant for dinner. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air. We settled into a comfortable booth, ready to savor a satisfying meal together.

As we perused the menu, Alice chimed in with excitement. "Hazel, have you tried their famous pasta dish? It's really good!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "No, I haven't, but I trust your taste, Alice. I'll definitely give it a try."

We engaged in conversation throughout the meal. Then Alice and Aiden started debating on which was best dessert on the menu.

As the evening came to an end, Aiden drove us back to our apartment complex. The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence.

Aiden POV

As I pulled up to the apartment complex, I parked the car and turned off the engine. The silence enveloped us for a moment, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me. Spending the day with Hazel and Alice had been incredible, and I found myself growing closer to them with each passing moment.

Alice broke the silence, her voice filled with a touch of exhaustion. "I had so much fun today, Aiden. Thank you for taking us out."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "I'm glad Alice. I had a great time, too. It was wonderful spending the day with both of you."

Hazel turned towards me, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and something I couldn't quite decipher. "Thank you, Aiden. Today was amazing, and I appreciate you planning everything."

I felt a surge of warmth spread through me at her words. "You're welcome, Hazel. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I just wanted to do something special for both of you."

We exited the car, and I walked with them towards the entrance of the apartment building.

Reaching the entrance, we stood outside the building. Hazel looked up at me, her eyes shining with a mix of emotions. "Thank you again, Aiden, for everything. I truly had a great time today."

I smiled at her, my heart swelling with affection. "You're welcome, Hazel. Anytime. I'm here for you."

She nodded, her gaze lingering for a moment before she turned towards the entrance. "Goodnight, Aiden. Goodnight, Alice, " she said as she kneeled down and hugged her.

"Goodnight, Hazel," Alice said, smiling.

"Goodnight, Hazel," I replied, watching her walk inside the building.

Unfortunately, I had to take Alice back home. I would let her spend the night at my apartment, but the problem was I had work tomorrow, and I wouldn't be able to drop her off at school in the morning. I could tell she was sad about this, but to try to cheer her up, I promised her that we have a day like this very soon. All 3 of us. She felt content with this and agreed to let me take her home.

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