I. Blackmore University

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Chapter 1,
  Blackmore University

It had been a full year since the incident.

  A whole year since Mika, Daphne, Camden, Alaska, and Mikaela had gone through hell and back, when their best friend, and Daphne's girlfriend decided to try and kill them, all for fame, fortune and fun. Daphne was trying to cope with it, going to therapy sessions and distracting her mind with her work, whilst Mika was completely ignoring it, and ignoring her therapist. The Kemper sisters had their own ways of coping anyway, you can't expect both sisters to willing open up about their traumatic experiences to someone who can just easily turn on them and make their worst nightmares come true. That's how Mika viewed it, she didn't think what happened to her affected her much anyways.

  "You can only hold onto so much before you pop, Mik. One little session won't hurt." Aurora chirped as she walked to the kitchen noticing the silence between the two, to help the young girl bake some cookies.

  Aurora and Alaska were truly the only two people who knew how immersed she was in her own thoughts and feelings, afraid that what happened to her last year will only happen again. Mika's best friend, the one she has trusted since middle school, turned on her and tried to murder not only her but her sister, and her friends. It didn't matter if New York and Blackmore was supposed to be a fresh new start, her cuts were still irritated, and pink, as they tried to heal into scars.

  "I called you to help make cookies and hang out, not tell me to talk to a shrink." Mika retorted as she finished making the cookie dough, allowing Aurora to ball them up and place them on the now buttered pan.

  Aurora sighed as she grabbed the cookie dough, Mika was adamant and was not going to talk to anyone about her thoughts, feelings, or even dreams. 

 "Mik, you know I'm not one to tell you to go seek help from a professional, but I will be the one to push you to do it." Aurora stated, but her words were only going in one ear and out the other. 

 Daphne was currently working at the convenience store, she was almost done with her shift which should be over in about an hour, but her anxiety only made it seem like it would be eternity. Although she wanted to head straight home, she had a therapy session after her shift which would only last two hours.

 There was a knock on the door, Daphne wouldn't be home in four hours, and Riley was on a date with her new boy toy of the week, so there should be no reason for knocking. Mika looked at Aurora as her anxiety picked up.

  "Easy, it's Alaska, remember, there's a Halloween party tonight and we agreed to go?" Aurora asked as she walked over to Mika, grabbing her two hands, trying to calm her down before she has a panic attack.

 Mika only nodded her head however, trying to regulate her heartbeat which was racing faster than a NASCAR driver. Aurora gave her a reassuring smile before walking out of the kitchen, towards the front door. Aurora was very lucky that she didn't get attacked last year with the group, and she took that into consideration, making sure that she wasn't ungrateful for her unharmed mind and skin. When she walked towards the door, last minute she turned around and grabbed a knife and walked back to the door.

 While Mika is a nineteen year old, Aurora knew she needed to protect her if anything were to happen at this moment. Aurora opened the door swiftly and clutched the knife, raising it as if she were to stab whoever was at the door.

  "What the fuck Aurora?!" Alaska shrieked as she moved back, looking at her girlfriend in fear.

 "Sorry, I thought you were some fuck face in a ghostface mask, come inside." Aurora apologized as she moved away from the door, lowering the knife. 

  Alaska nodded her head slowly as she walked into the apartment, Mika smiled at the twin and walked over, wrapping her arms around her. 

  "Let's get dressed and get shit faced tonight!" Alaska shouted, causing Mika to roll her eyes playfully before walking off to her room to get changed. 

 Aurora took the cookies out of the oven after the timer rang, she truly never realized how lucky she was to have gone home after the party. Mika was changing into her pirate costume, but stopped, staring at her scars as tears withered in her eyes.

  Mika's body was littered with scars from last year, and she prayed that she wouldn't have to go through this once more. It's a big city, nobody would want to hurt them, not anymore at least.

  "Miks hurry up so we can have some fun!" Aurora shouted as she laughed before kissing her girlfriend softly.

  "Stop breaking Randy's rule!" Mika shouted back, forcing out a laugh before putting her costume on and exiting out of her room.

  Nothing is going to happen, nothing will happen. Blackmore and New York is their fresh start, and they were going to make the most of it.

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