VIII. He Called Shotgun

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   Chapter 8,
    He Called Shotgun

  As Daphne left the apartment, Mika and Mikaela wasted no time in following right behind her, they didn't want to admit it but they truly were just as overprotective as her. 

  "Daph, slow down." Mika breathed out as she held the door open for her best friend, before the pair rushed to catch up with her.

 "Mika, Kae, no. Get back inside of the apartment, and lock the door." Daphne demanded as she turned around to face the two girls.

  As much as Daphne appreciated it, she couldn't live with herself if something were to happen to Mika and Mikaela. As their older sister, she must do whatever she can to protect them and keep them safe. That'll be hard though, considering Mika was stubborn as hell and Mikaela just didn't listen unless she needed to.
If you didn't know them, you would think it's just three sisters trying to keep each other safe, and if you did know them, you would still think they're only three sisters trying to keep each other safe. By any means necessary.

  "Are you being serious?" Mika asked as Daphne grabbed both of the girls arms and lightly shoved them back inside of the apartment complex.

  "Yeah, now you don't want to stick together?" Mikaela asked as she raised her eyebrows, Daphne sighed and rolled her eyes.

  It was silent for a moment, Daphne knew that if she were to try and argue with her younger sisters then she would still lose. 

  "Fine. But, you stay beside me at all times, no wandering around." Daphne stated, before walking with the two younger girls following behind her with a huge shit-eating grin on their face.

  The trio walked down the street, everyone seemed a little tense, and by a little, I mean a fuck ton of stress was weighing down on their shoulders. It was quiet before Daphne's phone began to ring, Mika and Mikaela looked at Daphne as they stopped walking so she can answer the phone call.

  "What the fuck..?" Mika muttered under her breath as she watched Esther's photo popped up on Daphne's phone.

  "I never deleted her phone number." Daphne replied as she watched the phone continue to ring.

 "Daph, don't answer that." Mikaela looked around as she grabbed Mika's hand.

  Daphne ignoring the frightened girls requests to not answer the call, she decided she was going to put them all on death row.

  "Who is this?" Daphne asked as she looked around, trying to find someone, anyone actually, who was on a phone call.

   The two went back and forth, Mikaela let go of Mika's hand to walk closer to Daphne so that she can hear how the conversation is going.

  "You three better watch your backs." Ghostface threatened, but Daphne was not having it, nobody was going to take away her sisters, not again.

  "No, you better watch yours." Mikaela spat, but before anything else could be said, Ghostface had popped out of the literally thin air and grabbed Mika from the back.

  "NO!" Mikaela screamed as Mika elbowed the guy in the face and shoved him into the bike rack before being dragged away by Mikaela.

  The three girls ran down the street, not wanting to look back in case he was starting to catch up to them. Mika tried to scream for help but nobody was listening, it is New York anyways, everyone minds their business. The three rushed into the nearest store and began to beg for help, which turned out to be a bad move. 

  Everyone was getting murdered left and right, it was only a matter of time before it was just Mikaela, Mika, and Daphne against Ghostface who was gripping onto the shotgun, the store manager had. Mikaela crawled behind Mika, but she couldn't help but think about Wes, he died alone, he died believing his friend was innocent. These thoughts brought the tears out of her eyes, blurring her vision and disconnecting her from reality.

  Daphne and Mika took a moment and shared a look before shoving the snack rack into Ghostface. It was only out of luck that the police showed up, and saved them, or else their heads would have been blown off.

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