Endo Kyou pt. 1

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The sound of tapping a pencil on the edge of his desk reverberated through the wood and was the only sound in the room. He was sitting in his designated seat and uncharacteristically he was sitting earlier than he would've, no one was in the room. Endo Kyou put air into his cheek and rhythm-tapped his pencil. His other hand was being leaned on by his head. He was in a dilemma, now he knew he wasn't a girl but he also knew he wasn't supposed to be alive if this wasn't some delusional concoction made up by being young and bored. So he was a girl that did die, that did turn into him, More or less, Something like that. It wasn't a shocker, it was more of him just waking up with unlocked memories, more memories of a different period of his existence. He had summed it up that way over trying not to panic.

In addition to trying not to panic he quickly got out of his bed made breakfast for two and got ready for school, all before his older brother could sit at the same table as him. Leaving him to eat alone. So, yes uncharacteristically he was at school earlier than normal, way too early than normal, and no one was around yet. He was avoiding his brother, not that said brother would notice as he had a set personality, now knowing what the girl that was him knew. Endo Kyou was having a disconnect from reality, from the comparison in memories. He was a fictional character and even more so the little brother of a protagonist of a BL story.

He involuntary lifted his right brow, still tapping his pencil with his left hand. It made little sense and no sense at all. Everything felt fake, maybe he was delusional. Maybe he should concede and check himself into a mental hospital. He was sure of his gender identity, but he wasn't so sure about how real his perception was now. He did gain some insight into his sexuality but otherwise, this was all useless. He groaned and unceremoniously flopped one side of his upper body on his desk. Soon his peers would come into the classroom. He was not ready for that. He knew that his mindset was different now. When he thought it had all made sense it was because he was a needlessly observant child, always coming up with unlikely theories systemized like stories. Now, all he could think about was the possibility of his fellow students being the protagonists of their own stories and how real it actually all was.

He hadn't forgotten about who he was, just that now everything he did had a reason. One that he didn't make himself. It was mindblowing to think that he was once a girl who never even got into parkour. Again, maybe he should get a mental check-up. He hadn't realized it before but his life was quite solitary and unhealthy, similar but not so from the memories he had gained. He had new insight into his lifestyle from a not-so-outside perspective. Endo Kyou didn't move but he did stare in the direction of the door, Nagano Misaki. His eyes did widen a little but otherwise, he stayed in his normal position, closing them. He was sure she didn't see him look at her. If it wasn't for the new mindset he gained, ironic considering it was the perspective that put him in this introspective mess, he would've jumped out of his seat and pointed at her like a buffoon because the fact was, Nagano Misaki had natural cherry-pink hair.

He used to be one for acting first then thinking later even if he was too good at observing and making assumptions about people, that part of him, he kept to himself. Being introspective about who he was and his life was never a thing he used to do. Until, of course, today. If he really thought about it, if he really tried to remember who she was, who he was, they had similarities in personality. He just lasted a little longer when it came to being passionate and genuine, sadly. Also, now that he was thinking about it, maybe he was delusional. Who wakes up one day with the concept of their older brother being a protagonist in a BL story. His face scrunched up unconsciously. He could hear Misaki getting her books out from her book bag, the noise of scratching graphite on paper. He finally decided to stop fake sleeping, his face heavy with strain from contorting his face from all his thought. He wiped his face out of habit, not his habit, and got up.

Two others were approaching the classroom, hair colors more on the tamer side, fortunately. He hurriedly picked up his book bag and scrambled out of the fine line of desks through the door before they could get a chance to get in. he wasn't so sure if he could handle looking at them but he gave in, it was Yasuda Susumu- damn it! He almost tripped on his own foot but kept going forward passing the two students, he didn't get a full view of the other one but it was definitely Sakamoto Mitsuko. She sat by him. Yes, he definitely could not handle looking at any of his peers right now, especially if one of them had their own spin-off story to his brother's story. His brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up as he glared at nothing continuing to hurriedly walk. He was sure he would see more students coming in and he did not want to be here for that. He thought he could handle human interaction today the exception being his brother, just like all those self-inserts and OCs, or isekai's transported to another world or whatever, but the truth was he was just a sophomore.

He wasn't mentally prepared for any of this even if he was so sure of being Endo Kyou. Even if he apparently did live another life he only found out about today. In his haze of self-hate, he bumped into his friend Kishino Minoru, a second-year, someone in his brother's class. This was his last straw because in his soul he knew this friendship was one designed of fate. Minoru was your cliche lone wolf that was popular, someone who held an air of mystery and if he didn't know this was a fictional world he wouldn't have thought anything about such a reputation but truthfully it was so weird and cringe. Endo Kyou had to reluctantly conclude that but now was not the time. He had bumped into his friend harshly but he didn't care about that and promptly booked it without a word, he could see the entrance. The school would start in thirty minutes. Minoru probably snarled like some punk before realizing who it was, he could still hear his "Watch it," in his mind.

It was fairly easy walking out of the school if he wasn't thinking so much and trying to avoid everyone if his skin didn't feel like molecules moving rapidly in back-and-forth motions.

Maybe he was taking this too seriously, Maybe he really did need that check-up. No, what would his parents say, his negligent parents say, the newer part of his mind said. It was a boon though, right? If it was more serious and he become completely different in his idiosyncracies someone would know something was up. He thought in a poor attempt to comfort himself. He slowed down, he was two blocks away from school now. Hopefully, no one would send him back but now that he thought about it weren't their gangs? That was another thing he would have to think about. He sighed. Good thing his brother was a perfect student, he would be at school at this time and not at home. Endo Kyou's family was not a family-oriented one, but more of a business one. This could be backed up by the fact that both his parents were business partners in another country. Only came around occasionally and that was just on the phone, sending his elder brother praise for his academics, one of the main motivators for his brother's reputation. Overall, they were all negligent when it came to Kyou. His brother was too focused on his academics to pay attention to him or the maintenance of the house, so it has always been up to him. He almost wanted to laugh at how cliche things were turning out.

"pft...Hahahahahha," he did break out into a laugh, continuing his walk home. 

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