Harem excerpts

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"We need to stop this."

"What," she set the pile of papers down.

"We need to stop what we have, it's wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to see you like this." There was a beat of silence.

"I could," it tampered into a mutter, "I could easily give you bad grades, you do know that, right?"

They made eye contact until Etsuko opened her mouth.

"I'll just tell Miki."

At that, Suzuki furrowed her brows, bewildered at her statement.

"Since when were you so close to Miki, I watch you all the time in class, you guys have never interacted with each other whatsoever," She sounded so sure of herself.

"Besides why would she do anything?" She huffed wryly.

"I don't know, Sensei," Etsuko emphasized, "but I'm done with whatever this is."

Suzuki looked at her stubborn appearance then looked back at the half pile of graded papers.

"We'll talk about this later," she easily disregarded.

—---- A/n -- another excerpt 

She was rammed through by a giant creature, its skin seemed slick and moist like an amphibian. Watching from the narrow alleyway, it could be passed off as a zooming car.

Was that a giant frog? Etsuko guffawed. The image was ridiculous.

"What the hell was that?" Tatsuya's voice filled with great urgency.

Their teacher had just been run over and probably died from the blunt trauma.

From the alley you could tell she was sprawled haphazardly with her limbs spread out from her body on the concrete, almost passing as a simple fall. Her grocery bag was pried open with the contents rolling their way out.

"What the hell!" Tatsuya repeated, all the while Etsuko could only glare in contemplation at the scene.

She thought this was a harem, not a sci-fi or fantasy. She couldn't discount the fact that a mix of both genres was a possibility but she never included her reality open to the option. Stupidly. Her brows only furrowed more in consternation. Tatsuya seeing her nonresponsive could only ignore her and ran to Mrs.Suzuki in an attempt to help. As Etsuko watched Tatsuya run closer to the woman, Etsuko knew things were only bound to get more fucked.

"WAI-" Etsuko shouted only to stop at the abrupt beam of pink rays shooting parallel to Mrs. Suzuki's body. Tatsuya had stopped. His figure only made it to the entrance of the alley they had been talking in. Seeing that he had stopped, Etsuko ran after him. When she caught up Tatsuya looked at her, watching her catch her breath.

They both turned their heads to the repetitive noise of harsh slaps on concrete. It was Ban Moe. She was running with a clunky pink and white SMG Uzi. To Etsuko and Tatsuya, it only looked like a clunky futuristic gun. Etsuko quickly observed Ban Moe with rapt attention as Ban Moe ran past them. Etsuko could only get a gleam of her face. Ban Moe held a tiny grimace that bled into a smirk. Her eyes looked apprehensive with determination.

"Why the fuck does she have a gun," Tatsuya muttered to himself. Etsuko overheard him and added, "More like, why is she chasing down that thing with experience?" but the quip seemed to float over his head in what was starting to become clear that Mrs. Suzuki was dead. Since they were closer they could start to smell the blood and see its dark red color. The hair that clung to the side of her face was mottled with it. Tatsuya's face recoiled in distress. He took a breath and then a step towards the body.

Kneeling and reaching for her pulse on her wrist, he still couldn't tell if she was alive. He looked back at Etsuko for reassurance. Etsuko could only look at him with a grimace before a wet breath caught her attention. It came from Mrs. Suzuki. Tatsuya moved her hair out of her face, slightly moving her head, her visage more clear and in their direction. 

A/n--Rant--I thought I already posted this, it's been like half a year. ugh. excerpts because I have no motivation to write out my imagination, besides, no one reads it. I was wondering about this, if people read my stuff would I be more compliant to continue writing or would it be a stressor and de-motivator? I am on neutral ground right now. It also doesn't help that I am inconsistent. As I said on my synopsis page, it would be best to let me know, so I have an idea. but then I have to question whether I am doing this for fun or external validation. I think a mix of both.  Again, I started whatever this is, writing, because I was struggling to find what I wanted to read. honestly, that just pisses me off. Yeah, writing is the practice but I'm so half-assed in quality, not everything can be immediate. I want to read. Someone's probably questioning and saying 'Then go read.' what do you think I've been doing for the past few months? lol. Anyway, there is an introspection and reasoned contention behind my writing. mainly that it comes from a place of bitterness because again, it's hard to find what I want. it's like drawing and you know your pictures fucked up and you know where but you don't have the skills to make it look better. which I find odd in itself but it's the reality.  

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