I'll just turn into an introvert

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...Fuck!" He groaned half his body under the kotatsu.

The person on the other side sighed, looking at the orange that they peeled and the stains it left behind under the fingernails.

"Why are you swearing?" He deadpanned.

"Because you're my brother," the person on the floor rolled his eyes.

That was half of the problem. The second half being that he just remembered his past life and that this was no coincidence. Simply put, he was a fictional side character... At least he didn't get his own spin-off. That would've been one horror manga in itself, he rolled his eyes again. Okay, so his brother was actually his step-brother.

"Well, that was not very nice!" His brother tilted his head and leaned it on his palm, elbow leaning on the kotatsu, eyes closed. He only groaned and rolled into himself more, avoidant of the visage his brother was putting out. His brother was the main character and ugh... his possible future friend was the love interest. Gross. He was what? 14, wasn't his brother 16. He groaned again. Why did he even read bl's in his past life? Was he a girl?

"Ya know if you keep groaning, you'll become an old man," his older brother said, still staring at him.

"Well, I'll be one regardless even if I don't make any weird noises," he huffed, rolling into himself even more and scrunching his brows.

"I got it," he muttered to himself.

After contemplating it for a while, why not just not become friends with the main character? It's not like he couldn't make more friends. In fact, why make friends at all?

"I got it," he said louder, abruptly sitting up.

"Chiasa, can you convince our parents to get me into homeschool?"

At the question, Chiasa had to raise a brow because that was truly out of the blue.

He was sitting criss-cross applesauce now and passively making a grab for one of the orange slices, chewing it in his mouth as he waited for Chiasa's reply.

"Hotaka," Chiasa paused, seeming to struggle with what to say next, "are you being bullied at school?'

At that, He had to groan.

"No, I'm not being bullied," he looked up, making eye contact with Chiasa, "wait, would that help?" he put a hand to his chin in a faux matter.

Now it was Chiasa's turn to roll his eyes.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you can overcome it, and if not I'll be there," Chiasa said good naturely.

Hotaka squinted like he was looking at a peculiar specimen, he was starting to see the effects of his meta-knowledge and could truly now understand to the full extent his step-brother's charms.

He was like the girl next door.

"I guess," he tilted his head to the side, no longer focused on Chiasa's visage.

"Well, whatever, just don't hook up with my friends, particularly the boys," Hotaka said offhandedly which caused Chiasa to cough and have a slight blush.

"What," he sputtered. "I'm not even gay and besides they would be too young," he said all too quickly.

"Whatever," Hotaka laid back down in a slump, staring at the ceiling.

Friends. Huh?

"You got any homework?" Chiasa said after a beat of prolonged silence, almost as if to stave off the awkward moment.

"No, not really," Hotaka replied absent-mindedly, not really affected by what just went on. In fact, he was starting to feel a little tired. He could hear a huff before he slowly succumbed to sleep.

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