Chapter 2

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A tall man, dressed in all black with a hinge of red on his suit tie, is standing up straight lurking into the endless abyss. As I get every step closer to him, I can feel his presence draining every bit of energy I have left, as like he is some kind of black hole that absorbs every single thing that comes in his way.

Silence. I reach my last step making the distance between us a few inches apart. He is wearing a black mask covering half of his face except his unusually dark eyes. I have never seen someone with such deep eyes until now. His stare is lifeless, no emotion, no warmth, just pure blackness. The only light that comes out of this man is that tiny red tie below his neck. I wonder how come I have never seen such a character before?

A piercing noise breaks the silence between us as the doors open. I proceed to move forward into the elevator but he doesn't move one bit. I turn around expecting him to join me in but the only thing he does is giving me a death stare.

"Sir?" I glance at him with a perplexed look while the doors slowly closed and that man is still pinned in the same position staring into my soul.

My head is filled with dozen of questions about this mysterious man but my concern about not getting to the meeting on time overcomes every other thought in my head.

That eerie feeling in my stomach is gone. Feels like the world stopped spinning for a time frame and now its back on its track better than always.

I get to my work car thankfully only being a few feet into the buildings garage, exhaling a deep breath while putting my bag on top of the passenger seat and getting myself a few seconds to recollect myself on what just happened.

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