Chapter 41

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The feeling that's been stuck in the pit of my stomach since the night I got back has only intensified. I feel unsafe being home alone. Today when Jack had to leave for practice I was near tears when he asked if I would be okay because, for the first time in my life, I felt like I couldn't reassure him I would be okay. 

He kissed my forehead a million times, rubbing my back as my breathing got faster. "Why don't you come with me? You can wait in the car and read if you want," He suggests, making me perk up. I throw on some shoes and grab my tote bag with my next book and some water in my hand. He intertwines his finger with mine, kissing my knuckles as he helps me into the passenger seat. 

When we get to where the training facility there are already a few cameras outside ready to capture the boys getting ready for the season. "Head inside if you need anything, okay?" He says to me before kissing my lips, pecking them a few times. "Okay, yeah, I will," I reassure him, kissing him one more time before he grabs some things from the back and walks inside.

I finished 'The Deal' earlier today and now I'm starting 'The Mistake' which is about Garrett's best friend, Logan, and a freshman named Grace. By the time Jack gets back in the car I have read a good chunk getting lost in their romance. "Hey Gorgeous," Jack says, smirking at me with wet hair. How does he know? I stare up at him, getting lost in how beautiful my boyfriend is. 

"How do you know?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him before using a Polaroid of us as a bookmark. "Know what, Beautiful?" He puckers his lips, as he leans over the center console. I kiss him back, telling him he looks beautiful before pulling back to say. "Logan calls Grace gorgeous, and I just find it ironic that you're calling me that today," I tell him as I rub the back of his neck. 

"Hate to break it to you, gorgeous but I just think you're gorgeous. I'm not trying to be this Logan guy," He chuckles before heading to my house to pack a few more things up for my European leg of the tour. I keep reading as Jack draws little shapes on my thigh with his thumb. By the time we get home, I'm almost done with the book, but I put it down to make sure everything I need is in my suitcase. 

Jack hops in my shower to rinse off before our flight tonight and I sit patiently on my bed, waiting for him to get out since I found it difficult to read when I feel on edge. I stare at a blank space on my wall when the bathroom door opens to reveal Jack in his boxers. He has his hair pushed back but two rogue strands of hair fall on his forehead.

"You doing okay?" He chuckles, lifting my chin with his knuckle to catch my eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist feeling his abs contract as he laughs a little. I press a kiss to his stomach before resting my cheek on him again. I close my eyes trying to relax but throw that plan out the window when I hear my front door open.

I gasp, tearing my cheek away from Jack to snap my head in the direction of the door. My breathing picks up, not knowing who's in my house. "Josie?" I hear Theo's voice call out, breaking me away from my panic. I blow a deep breath out feeling better knowing it's just Theo. "Over here, Ted," I shout, as he walks over with his suitcase. 

"Hey Jack," Theo smiles, doing the bro hug thing before messing my hair up even more before giving me a side hug. "Does my favorite sister want to check my suitcase before we leave the country?" He asks, making me roll my eyes before getting on the floor to make sure everything is in there.

"You're all set, kid. Go take a nap if you want, I'll make dinner soon so you can eat before we take off." I tell him before he runs off to his room to take a nap. Once he's out of the room I look back up at Jack who is grinning at me lovingly. "What?" I giggle, trailing my hands up and down his back. "Nothing, I just can't wait to hear you say that to our kids," He smiles, making me blush like a monster.

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