Chapter 43

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My scars are getting better but I'm wearing long boots to cover them up anyways. Never in my life did I think I would be hiding parts of my body from the world. Never in my life did I think I'd be getting haunted by my ex-boyfriend. He lingers around the room at every show, on the street, and in places where I think I'm finally okay. 

He did tell me he was going to make my life a living hell and he sticks to his word because not a day goes by where I feel safe or even happy to be alive. Being alive means another day of enduring his stupid fucking mind games and being hurt by him. 

I head into the venue to get ready for tonight's show, walking into my dressing room to change into a different t-shirt when Theo walks in. "Josie!" My shirt pools over my waist, causing his eyes to basically pop out of his head. "Jesus, Jos, as your brother I'm genuinely asking, when was the last time you had a meal?" He asks, taking in my whole body. 

I shake my head, not answering his question by asking another, "What did you need, Theo?" I ask, heading over to makeup so Stas can work her magic on my face "Robbie is out tonight, he's sick and needs the weekend to recover. Can you play for us, just tonight?" He asks, respecting my wishes by not pressing on the food topic. 

"Yeah, I can. He's bass, right?" I ask, sitting in my chair and closing my eyes as Stas pins my hair back. "Yeah, thank you so much, J. You're the best sister ever!" He yells running to his room to tell the band. Tonight is going to kick my ass. 

Theo's band gets up on stage as Alex gives me an introduction, "Robbie our bassist is out so for tonight we have the honor to have Josephine Lee helping us out!" He smiles at me as if he isn't the biggest jerk to me off-stage. I wave at a few girls in the front, as someone hands me my bass. 

We're almost done with the setlist, needing to play one more song as Alex introduces his next song, "This next song is called '18' and I wrote it about this chick that was older than me, but it was never going to happen. This is the song I wrote about Josephine, enjoy!" He smirks at me and Theo, causing the two of us to furrow our brows not knowing what to do with this new information. 

"I'm not old enough for her, I'm just waiting 'til I'm eighteen!" He sings into the mic, finishing the song, giving me time to storm off stage to let my anger out. I see Theo lashing out at Alex so I make my way over to them to calm them down. "If you ever get near her again I'll fucking kill you! That's my sister you fucking prick!" He grips Alex's shirt tightly. 

Alex tries pulling Theo's hands off his shirt but there's no shot Theo is letting go. Alex looks over at me watching the entire interaction before saying, "Not my fault your sister is a fucking smoke show and wears those little ass outfits. She's asking for it, bud." When I said there was no shot Theo was letting go, that comment is enough to make him let go but only to crash his fist against Alex's face. 

I wrap my arms around my stomach, suddenly not liking my outfit, or how people perceive me. Alex gets off the floor, wiping his lip before shoving Theo's chest and saying, "I quit, good luck without me, you'll never make it," He chuckles before walking out. Ryan and Josh have to hold back Theo so he doesn't go running after Alex for a second round.

Theo looks over at me, tears building up in my eyes from everything Alex had said about me, but before Theo can grab me, I'm running to my dressing room to change into my next outfit. Tonight I wear a strapless black dress with a sheer star dress over it, pairing it with some tall black boots. Needing some extra reassurance I send Jack a picture of my outfit 



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