Chapter 6: Yoongi

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Word count: 1780

POV: Yoongi

MIN YOONGI DESPERATELY needed a coffee after the night he had.

Normally he slept like a baby after a concert but last night, he tossed and turned the whole night, his thoughts racing.

All seven of them had stayed up late discussing their options. Sejin sat with them for a bit and offered to personally talk to the two staff members who interviewed guests.

Yoongi spent most of the conversation lying back on the couch, listening to what was said but never inputting anything. He didn't know what to make of the current situation.

On the one hand, he wished what was being discussed was true but he had his fair share of heartbreaks and despair to know that life didn't work the way he hoped it would. The idea of their soul mate conveniently being in the crowd and meet and greet?

It was probably just some crazy fan. We had been waiting so long we have deluded ourselves into believing we could meet our soul mate. Yoongi told himself.

On the other hand, he had to be cautious. Not just for himself but for the others too. When this turned out to be a fluke, he would be the one to rebuild their confidence and reassure them. He had to remain sensible and grounded.

Yoongi woke up earlier than it should be allowed and showered. He blocked out any thoughts of a possible soul mate and decided to go over the beat for a new song he was planning to make.

Music could always distract him. It was why he loved it so much. Music made him forget about his loneliness and the lack of a soul mate. He poured his thoughts and feelings into his songs, conveying them to the world. It was therapy but instead of paying someone to sit and listen to him ramble, he got paid for it.

After changing into his usual, casual attire, Yoongi forced himself to sneak outside and head into the city. There was a cafe that served great coffee and pastries he enjoyed.

Since he was wearing a disguise, nobody came up to him. As much as he loved ARMY, he sometimes wished he wasn't as famous as he was. Being hounded all the time was exhausting and difficult.

He stepped into the cafe and felt a rush of excitement trail down his body. Perplexed, his brown orbs examined the room but didn't find anything peculiar. The cafe was busy but not busy enough where it became unbearable. The staff knew who he was but never made a big deal out of it. That was one of the reasons he loved coming to this particular place.

Yoongi stepped towards the counter, failing to see the woman barrelling towards him. They collided and all he could see were stars. He wasn't sure if his hands grabbed onto her body but it felt like it.

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