Chapter 37: Hoseok

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Word count: 1809

POV: Hoseok 


THEY were all familiar with the term and what it meant. There have been many instances where BTS's team had to work their magic and keep things out of the media. In cases when something had been leaked, they usually issued a statement claiming it was false news.

Most fans believed what Big Hit released. But when it came to soul mates—a topic that troubled their fans—it was a lot more difficult to do that.

There was outrage. There was heartache. There was pain. And it was all because of one jealous woman who refused to accept that Jin had moved on. Their 'relationship' had always been a temporary thing—Mi-rae knew this. It was made abundantly clear to her. And yet, she was causing havoc.

The moment he told his soul mate, she shut down. Madeline mumbled an excuse, claiming she needed to go home. He knew she was running away from them—questioning if everything they had said had been true.

Jin was devastated and angry. He hated Mi-rae for lying to the media and causing trouble.

Sejin contacted them later that evening, just as distressed. He was staying in a hotel in America for a few more days and then would be returning. At least, that was the plan before this. However, now that this had happened, Sejin needed to return immediately to fix the mess Jin's ex had caused.

"We will sort this out—we will get Mi-rae to tell the truth," Sejin promised them, adjusting his glasses.

Jin was sitting next to him with his hands holding his head. Stress marred his handsome face. Hobi knew he was feeling guilty. In his eyes, it was his fault for dating Mi-rae.

Hobi placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. He vowed he'd speak to Jin later.

"And what if she doesn't? Jin has tried to speak to her for weeks. She won't back off," Namjoon queried, skeptical.

Sejin sighed, "She's after attention. Her manager is considering dropping her because she's not progressing."

Jungkook gasped and shot his eyes at Jin. None of them had heard about this. Jin raised his head, his eyes wide.

"Did you know this?" Hobi leaned in and softly whispered to his hyung.

Jin shook his head and quietly answered, "No."

Sejin pinched his lips together, "It's been kept under wraps for now since she was with..." His eyes darted to Jin. They knew what he was insinuating. It was kept hidden from everyone because she was with Jin. Sejin cleared his throat, "Anyway, we will offer money or an opportunity for her to work as a trainee somewhere else...far away."

"So, you'll essentially bribe her," Yoongi summarized, flatly.

Sejin wiped his hair from his forehead, "It's not ideal," He murmured, grimly. "But this could affect your reputation and put Madeline in a bad light. When you do reveal her to the public, we don't want any fans claiming she's not your soul mate."

They considered his words, knowing that they didn't want Madeline to be accused of stealing them for their 'real' soul mate.

With a defeated look, Namjoon conceded. "Okay, please do what you can."

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