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Liam Green-

Suddenly, his movements of trying to open the door stopped.

The look of anger slowly drained from his face during the minutes we were standing here in silence.

" I told you from the beginning that I'm not gay " He suddenly spoke.

He became pale, like he didn't know what to do or what to say.

" Yes. I know " I reply, running a hand through my hair. " and that's perfectly fine "

" Then what do you want from me? " He huffed " ...Do you know me from school or something? " He asked, confusing me.
" If you're doing this because you recognized me from school and you wanted to laugh at the freak one last time to make me feel like shit- "

" Freak? " I cut off his mini rant, my voice quiet. " ...I didn't recognize you from school and I definitely wasn't trying to make fun of you " I stopped, not knowing how to continue.

" Then what do you want from me? " He raised his voice.

" I want you " I stated again " ...and I to be at least friends " I looked past him to see the door slightly ajar, hoping that he'd change his mind about leaving and that he'd close it.

I would say I have at least a 5% chance of him deciding to stay.

He didn't respond to my confession, he stood there with a straight face, not bothering to open the door more or close it completely.

I let my head fall so he didn't see the embarrassment that I was 100% certain was plastered onto my face.

My face felt hot and until I was somewhat sure that it wasn't beet red- I would continue to be staring at the floor.

When he remained silent, I lifted my head and raised my hand, pushing the door shut before looking at my mate.

" If you really want to leave, I'll take you home now and won't try to contact you again " I forced out " but I wasn't making fun of you. I don't think you're a freak " I continued.

He furrowed his eyebrows when my words got through to him.

" ...Can you make spaghetti or is that to hard for you? " He sighed, pushing past me to go back to the kitchen.

" I can make spaghetti "  I called out, a grin spreading across my face.

I followed him back into the kitchen to see him sitting on the chair he was sitting on before, his crutches leaning against the table.

" Hurry up, I have to be home before Midnight " He took a breath, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the chair.

" Reminds me of Cinderella " I laugh.

" Shut up " He mumbled.

" What? " Now I was just plain confused.

" Don't call me Cinderella " He looked away for a second before looking back at me.

" I didn't call you Cinderella- I said your statement reminded me of the movie cuz of the midnight thing " I smiled, trying to explain it to him the best I could.

" Well don't compare me to girls from Disney Movies " He sighed

" ok " I raised my arms in defeat " Sorry "

" Fuck " He suddenly mumbled, grabbing his leg in pure pain.

I bit my lip as I watched my beautiful mate try to make some of the pain go away.

I released my bottom lip not long after, a sigh escaping my mouth before I turned away from Finely.

I inhaled before turning the stove on so I could start on the food.

" Are you ok, Sunshine? " I hummed

" Don't call me that, estúpido.  (stupid) " He groaned

" I don't know what that means " I grab a pot from the lower cabinet- filling it with water.

" You don't need to know what it means " I turned to look at my mate, grinning when I saw he was smiling at the fact that I wasn't the smartest
" What? " He raised a brow, still smiling the smile so small that it could almost go unnoticed.


" Nothin " I shrug, grabbing a box of spaghetti from the cabinet and putting it into the boiling water.

" No, What? " He pressured

" It's nothing, seriously "

" Tell me "

" You're pretty when you smile " I stirred the spaghetti, smiling when it was getting close to being done.

" Stop comparing me to girl terms or girl related shit " He groaned again.

" Pretty isn't a girl term " I state, grabbing a strainer from the cupboard and setting it in the sink, dumping the noodles into it before dumping them back into the pot.

I looked back at Finely as I got the sauce and started to pour it into the pot.

" Yes. It is " He argued.

" No. It's not " I stirred the pot before grabbing two bowls and two forks and plopping some of the noodles in the bowls

" Yes, it is "

" Fine- you're hot when you smile " I roll my eyes playfully, setting a bowl down in front of him and handing him the fork.

I smiled when he took the fork, his cheeks slowly filling with color as he looked down at the bowl of food.

I pulled out the seat next to him and sat down, moving my seat closer to him a little bit.

I set my bowl down in front of me, stabbing my fork into the bowl of noodles.

" Oh- Shoot- I'm sorry, do you want something to drink? " I looked at him.

He shook his head no, looking down at his bowl with furrowed eyebrows.

" Is something wrong? " I smile, searching his face to see if I could catch any hint of distaste.

" No- No, Nothing's wrong. Thank you " He stated, grabbing his fork before beginning to eat.

" Is it ok? " I question after a few minutes, looking down at my own bowl and grabbing my fork- bringing it to my mouth when I had wrapped a forkful of noodles around it.

" Yea. Yea it's good " I looked over at my mate, a smile present on his face as he ate.

And to my surprise, he kept smiling when he saw me looking at him.

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