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Finely Floyd-

I looked out into the crowd as I hid in the corner, silently cursing Liam and his stupid face.

I leaned my head back as I crossed my arms, letting the music blare in my ears before deciding to find Liam.

I pushed myself off the wall, cringing when girls would appear out of nowhere and start to touch me with hands that had probably touched dozens of other men.

I sighed, standing on my tippy toes and looking over the crowd of people.

My eyes widened when I saw him sitting at the bar, a lady sitting next to him.

I pushed through the crowd, eventually reaching the pair and standing next to them with crossed arms.

I glared at the sight in front of me- not looking away even as I saw the way the girl sitting by him leaned forward before kissing him passionately, pulling back with lust clear in their eyes.

" I knew you were an asshole but I didn't expect you to be a whore " I clenched my jaw.

I rolled my eyes at the two when they both turned to look at me.

They both looked at me like they got caught doing something terrible- like what they got caught doing was forbidden.

I squinted my eyes, turning my gaze towards the girl- looking at her face up and down.

My eyes caught on the girls lips- not because I found her attractive-because I didn't- my eyes got caught on the red smudge mark that was located directly underneath her bottom lip.

I continued to study her- the smudge mark wasn't her lipstick- because she didn't have any on- if anything all she had painted on her lips was clear lipgloss.

I turned my gaze towards Liam- his bottom lip looking like it had been painted red but his top lip still a beautiful light pink color.

Liam stared at me with wide eyes, his eyes wet as he looked at me.

I scoffed at his expression, reminding myself that he wasn't upset that he jumped from me to her- he was upset that he got caught.

And the worst part? I didn't even know why I was upset.

I turned my attention to her, glaring at the woman who had captured his attention.

His little girlfriend stared at me with an annoyed stare as I stood there, my eyes focused on her and her alone.

" You probably have us confused with someone else " She rolled her eyes.
" Leave us alone "

" No- He's exactly who I need to talk to. I'm not confusing him with someone else " I clenched my jaw
" and I'm not talking to you anyway... so shut the fuck up " I swore at her.

" Well you invaded our date so- " she rolled her eyes, sighing deeply like she would rather be doing anything else than arguing with me.

I looked towards Liam, his expression priceless.

His lips parted as he looked from me to her, his eyes finally settling on me when I had began to speak again.

" Oh- so this is a date now is it? " I interrupted the girl who held an expression filled with anger. " Do me a favor and shut the fuck up " I spoke when she opened her mouth to speak.

" Well it doesn't seem like he's very interested in talking to you since he hasn't said a word to you since you came over " She ignored my demand, speaking anyway.

" I'm not talking to you- you goddamn whore " I swore, scoffing as she stood, her arms moving up so her hands could rest on her hips. " What? You think you can do something to me? In a fucking club? ... You're even stupider than Liam " I scoffed.

" You really think I care what you say to me? " she scoffed " ...What do you want? " She spoke after a minute of silence.

" What I want is for you to stop fucking talking " I glared " But you- I want you to go fuck yourself and never talk to me again " I turned my attention to Liam- watching as he looked at me- looking heartbroken that I won't agree to become his fuck-buddy.

" Finely! " I heard him yell as I turned around, pushing through the crowd of people, not caring that people swore at me when I made them spill their drinks.

I pushed open the doors- the cold air hitting me like a car would hit a dear at night.

I clenched my jaw as I let my head fall back- stuffing my hands into my pockets.

" Finely " I heard a voice behind me making me groan.

I let out a breath before raising my head, turning around to see Liam standing there. His arms were by his side, standing in front of the door awkwardly.

" Y'know- I just don't get why you'd want to do things with me- and then go and make out with some girl. Probably would've fucked her too if I didn't interrupt your 'date'.

" I didn't want to fuck her, Fin... and I wasn't going too " He spoke quietly.

" You really expect me to believe that... really? " I scoff

" Why do you even care? " He looked away for a second before looking back at me. " I thought you hated me " He bit his bottom lip.

" Because I'm not interested in being your fuck-buddy while you go and be a man- whore " I insulted him.
" Why did you change your mind about me fucking you anyway? " I raised a brow, looking at him with judgement clear in my eyes " You were all over me not that long ago "

" Because I'm not supposed to be... submissive and I-I think that I wanted to prove something? I don't know " He mumbled, his voice barely audible.

" What was that? " I raised my hand, holding it by my ear as I fake listened.

" I'm not supposed to be submissive " He spoke louder. " ...I don't want anyone to know that I like to be manhandled " He let his eyes drop to the ground
" Because I hate that I love it "

" And why's that? Is it your dirty little secret that you don't want anyone to know? "

" Yes " He mumbled

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