Ein's issue..

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(I just wanna say TYSM FOR 420 READS! I was literally crying abt it earlier- lol anyways I'm glad you're all enjoying the story! Have a wonderful day! And I'll see you at the end of the story 🥹🥹)


*~Eins POV~*

As I carried Nelly back to the car along with Pierce's mother siblings I was thinking.. would pierce think that Nelly got hurt because of me? Like it might have been my fault! Witch it wasn't- but with if he though it was... UGH CRAP good job Ein your screwed-

When we got to the car I carefully placed Nelly down and sat down in the car

"Ein? What happened to Nelly's knee?" Pierce asked me

"She fell down! And scraped it!!" I replied quickly

"Okay.." he said turning to the wheel-

When we got back to the house it was around 2pm! I took Nelly's hand and took her to the nearest bathroom I set her down and scrambled through the cabinet to find the first ade kit

"AHA!!" I Said taking the white and red ace kit!

I went over to Nelly and started disinfecting the cut she was crying a bit! And I don't blame her that stuff stings! But when I finished patching her knee up she stood up and said

"You know Ein.. you're not half bad! Sorry for somewhat I guess.. hating you!" She said with a warm smile

"Uh well thanks for saying my name and apologizing?" I said unsure what she just apologized for

"Mhm!" She replied leaving that bathroom

I exited and bumped into pierce 

"Hey watch it!-" he said turning to me "oh! Sorry- I thought you were one of my siblings!!" He said 

I know that wasn't meant to hurt me but.. I think he's upset with me.. in a way- I just! Don't know why...

Then suddenly I started to cry!.. I looked up at pierce he looked concerned and worried I I quickly shut myself up realizing how stupid that just made me look..

"Are you okay Ein.." he asked

"Mhm! Why?.." I asked

"I don't know maybe it's because you just cried?" He said unsure

"Hehe- w-why wouldn't I be? I j-just fine.." I replied 

Then he picked me up and took me to are room

"I'll be down in a minute!!" Pierce shouted before entering our room

He sat me down on the bed and looked down at me

"what's wrong?" He asked again

"Nothi-" then something in me didn't want to speak anymore it just wanted to cry I couldn't do anything about it.. usually when ever i start to cry it never ends because of everything that's bottled up inside me.. I-I could stop my face felt wet! I felt weak..I just couldn't do anything to make me stop.. I tried digging my fingers into my skin thinking of what mother and father would say.. but! Nothing worked..

*~Pierces POV~* 

I watched Ein burst up into tears.. I didn't know how to help or make his stop I saw him somewhat hurting himself to try to convince him to stop but it made him cry more!. I felt horrible! I was the one that made him cry.. Me! 

So I sat down next to him and gently stroked his back I took his hand and held it for a bit.. he leaned on me and just kept crying.. why did I say that.. you should have kept your mouth shut pierce!

"I'm sorry!!" I said "I didn't think this would happen! I wish I could make you stop!"

"I-it's not you.." he said wiping the tears off his face.. 

but it don't really matter he  was still crying..

"I-it's just w-when I start t-to cry I just k-keep doing I-it!" He said softly

I didn't understand stand?.. so I didn't make him cry I mean maybe??

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I've h-held a lot inside m-me for a while.. so w-when something comes o-out the rest does t-too.." he said 

I just kept holding his adorable face covered in tears a moment later he fell asleep.. he was tired I guess.. I need to let him rest but he needs to cry! I'm worried now.. what do you have bottled up.. and where or who.. gave you this to bottle up...

(THATS THE END OF THIS CHAPTER!! I would like to say again thank you for 420 reads! It means a lot!! Anywho- have a loafly rest of your day/night/afternoon- and I hope to see you next chapter!!)

SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT- I'll write a longer one tomorrow!!

Word count: 747

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