Something about you..

299 7 52


(Enjoy this chapter!!!)

*~Eins POV~*

When I plummeted to the bed and got comfortable I watched pierce exit the room looking a bit worried or concerned.. I mean I'm not something to worry about at least.. that's what most people said about me!.. I mean- he shouldn't be worried I got my scars years ago- so.. he shouldn't worry!! 

I grabbed a pillow and squeezed it until I fell asleep..

*~Pierce POV~*

Did I do something? Did I make him upset by asking about those scars.. if I did- I need to fucking apologize! I hate when he mad at me it's the damn worst! He said he was going to take a nap.. so! That means I can go out and get him something! I don't know what though.. I could get him food- and like..  a card!! Maybe flowers? Yeahhh- sure! time to go out!! 

(When pierce got to the mall) (HES GONNA BAKE THE FOOD BTW!!)

I stepped into the mall and looked around for a flower shop! Not to mention a card- 

I was walking around until I bumped into someone they fell over and I offered them my hand immediately!!

"Oh! I'm so sorry!! I wasn't looking-" I said 

"Huh? Oh no it's fine!" She said taking my hand a bit red 

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Oh yeah! Heh.. I-I'm fine!-" she said "uh.. I'm Madelyn! But people call me maddy for short!" She added

"Oh cool! I'm pierce!" I said with a smile

"Any chance I could get you number?" She asked

"For sure!" I said pulling out my phone

"Thanks! See you around cutie~" she said walking away once she got my number 

'Cutie??' DAMN I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HE IM DATING SOMEONE!! Damn it pierce! Oh! Right I need to get Ein flowers and a fucking card- 

(Once he finished shopping 😭LAZY😭)

When I entered the house I saw Ein on the couch watching something I quickly put away the flowers, card, and candles!

 (He got candles to set the 'mood')

"Hey pierce!" Ein shouted from the couch

"Hey!!" I replied moving into the living room

"Where were you?" He asked

"Oh? Me.. I was- going out!" I replied- 

I felt bad lying to Ein..

"Oh! Okay.." he said

"I'm make a sanck!" I said

"Huh! Oh- okay!!" He replied 

I left the room and began cooking the 'I'm sorry meal!' I sat there sweating my damn ass off for him- he better not STILL be fucking mad when I'm done- if he is.. well- I give him some space I just want him to know I love him! Even though like an hour ago I fucked him-.. I CAN STILL FUCKING TASTE HIM- anyways..

When I finished the 'meal' I set it down at the table turned off the lights and moved the candles over! I got la flowers and card! Even though I'd be fucking in front of him I'm really bad at apologizing... (IN MY AU)

"Ein!! Could you come here!?" I shouted 

"Yeah!!" He yelled back

The cute damn blue boy walked in

He froze when he saw the food, flowers, and card on his plate

(I know what y'all are going to say- 'HES GONNA EAT THE CARD' no he's not don't worry! 😍😍)

"T-the hell is all this for?" He asked

"Well uh.. I figured you were mad at me because I asked about your scars.. so- I thought I should make I up to you!" I said happily


I laughed a bit

When he sat down he looked at the card

"The fuck is this?" He asked picking the card up

"Oh! Well- I kinda suck at saying I'm sorry's.. so- I figured I should write one!" I replied 

"Awh! This is so cute and sweet!!" he said happily 

"Yeahhh I tried..-" I replied 

(Once they finished eating)sorry I'm lazy.. :(

I cleaned up and started washing dishes until I felt arms wrap around my chest I turned around and saw Ein hugging me I smiled and finished up the dishes when I did finish he was still holding me! ♡

I turned all the way around so now he was in my chest he picked his head up and looked at me smiling I bent down a bit and kissed him lightly Then I broke the kiss and picked him up

"The fuck are you doing-" he asked 

"I have no clue I just like to hold you!" I said

"..." he didn't say anything all he did was become a light pink

"Hey Ein.. could you tell me we're you got those scars from?" I asked 

His face when dull and dark his Ein.. it's like someone had just scribbled some weird shape for puple's 

"Fine.." he said "on one damn condition!"

"Okay?" I replied 

"You can only ask up to- eh- two questions!" He said

"Okay.. that's fine by me!" I said smiling 

"Uh.. okay- so you know how my mom.. died.. right?" He asked

"Y-yeah?" I answered 

"Well.. after that my father blamed me and told me I should have been in the car with her when she crashed he took his anger out on me sometime hurting me with words- but when I month passed and I was unfazed by him doing so.. he resulted in abusing me.. it always left me to think about what 'I did' and what I could have done to avoid so.. he never injured me to horribly.. but sometimes he would get drunk.. and- give me scars.. he rarely used weapons but sometimes he would use a bat- or- or.. a hammer! Rarely a knife.." he said 

"..." I stood there in shock.. 

How was I going to respond to this..

(CLIFFHANGER!! Heh- sorry.. (lol) anyways I hope you enjoyed.. I CRIED MAKING THIS BECAUSE OF THE VIEWS AND STUFF- tysm for 730 reads! As always! I hope you have a wonderful rest of you day/night/afternoon!!)

Word count: 1003 

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