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Lucas Denver Benardi

Not gonna lie but Alessandro is so scary, even Giovanni. The moment they are around me i feel so safe yet so scared. They are very intimidating and the fact that Alessandro is the Capo of the mafia makes him even scarier.

I don't know why he's helping me, he might have so many better things to do like kidnapping, killi- Oh no, i don't even want to think about it.

My thoughts were once again Broken with Alessandro entering into my hospital room with an emotionless face.

"How are you?" He asked

"I'm fine, now. Thank you" I replied not meeting his gaze "When can I leave?" I asked, I do want to leave the hospital because it's making me feel sick but i don't know where i will go. I can figure that out later but for now, I have to leave this place.

"Yes, for that, you can leave by tomorrow also, we found your family" He said

"My family?" I asked, looking at him hopefully. But i don't know whether they want me or not.

"Yes, Your family" He replied forcing me to have an eye contact with him.

I have a family out there, will they love me? Cherish me? Treat me as their own? Or it would be same like My pare- kidnappers, or maybe worse?

"Lucas, I need to tell you something, listen to me carefully" He said, coming a little closer to me and taking a seat at the chair beside my bed.

"Hmm" I hummed, not knowing where this was going.

"You have 4 brothers and I'm your oldest brother" He said, giving me a shock

"You are my brother? How?"

"Our mother gave birth to a child and we were informed that he died a few hours later and now it's known that the child was not dead, he's alive and the child, I'm talking about is you, Lucas" He cleared to me.

I looked at him blankly, what do I say? Should I be happy that i found a family? Or should I be sad that my family thought i was dead?

"Where are my- I meant our parents?" I asked hesitantly

"Our mother died few years later you were born and i would rather not talk about father for now" He said, I kept a mental note that the topic of our dad might be a little sensitive.

"What happenes now?" I asked, am i going to live with his brothers?

"You are going to live with us, your family" he stated.


Today is the day, I was leaving the hospital to go to my brother's house, I am nervous, I don't know what I'm expecting from them, I don't know how they will be, I can say I'm terrified.
I've always been nervous around new people and my anxiety starts triggering to me.

"Are you ready to go?" Giovanni asked, entering into the room

I looked at him for a few seconds and i nodded, I was lying, I'm not ready, not now and i don't know if i ever will be.

What will I say to them? How will I introduce myself? What wil- "Let's go, then" He said and i once again nodded.

He swiftly took my small hands in his giant hands, "Don't worry Lucas, It's going to be fine" he smiled at me.

Giovanni is sweet but he looks really scary, He feels so warm but I'm sure if he gets angry he will be really intimidating whereas Alessandro is supper intimidating if he ever gets mad at me i will piss my pants.

"Hop in" Giovanni said pointing at the car, I slowly made my way at the back seat of the car and Giovanni joined me at the back, I looked at the front to see Alessandro sitting on the passenger seat and a driver on the driving seat.

"Good afternoon, sir. I'm Mason" He introduced himself to me.

"Good afternoon, I'm Lucas, please address me by my name" I replied with a small smile. He looked at Alessandro for a confirmation who nodded in return.

The ride to their home was pretty fine, Giovanni and Alessandro talked about their work and upcoming meetings, they also tried to talk to me and include me in their conversation which was very kind of them but i rather be quiet and be in my thoughts for now.

"We are here" Giovanni said, i looked outside to see a palatial mansion in front of me it
was a stunning sight to behold, with its towering columns, sweeping staircase, and numerous balconies overlooking the rolling hills. it felt like it was so expansive that guests had to charter golf carts to get from one side to the other.

We were not standing in front of the mansion’s grand entrance with its sweeping staircase, high ceilings, and intricate details gave a sense of majesty and splendor that was fit for royalty

"Let's head in" Alessandro said, taking a look at me and walking forward, he swiftly used his Keys to open the front door, Me and Giovanni followed him, before taking a step into the house, i looked at Giovanni as if asking for the permission to enter his house, He looked at me smiling and nodding.

I took my first step into the house, my home . I looked around the mansion's intricate architecture, elegant chandeliers, and ornate furnishings exuded an air of sophistication that left me in awe

"They might be waiting in the living room" Alessandro said looking at me and then at Giovanni who nodded in return

"Don't be nervous, Lucas" Alessandro said, making an eye contact with me and then patting my shoulders and i nodded looking at him.
We kept his left hand on my back as he started walking, making me walk alongside him, Giovanni walked behind us.

He opened the large door and entered into the which seemed like living room and step aside so that i can walk in, I slowly stepped into the living room and saw 2 pairs of eyes looking at me not paying any attention to their older brother.
I looked at both them, making eye contacts with them and taking in their appearance.

"Lucas?" The taller one asked, looking at me and then to our oldest brother, who nodded in return, "Lucas, Lucas Denver Benardi"

He slowly made his way to me, and cupped my face into his large hands and took in my appearance, "I'm so happy to have you back, Lucas"

I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug. "I'm Dante, your third Oldest Brother" He introduced himself.

He pulled out of the hug and i looked at the other boy, who looked at us, his face didn't showcase any emotions. I smiled at him, he didn't not return it back.

"Noah" Alessandro said, which more seemed like he warned him

They guy, whose name i now know as Noah, stepped forward and made his way towards us, he looked at him and then at Alessandro, "Looks like you found a younger brother to cherish"

"Noah" Giovanni warned this time

"Yes, dear brother?" He asked "oh wait, i know. You want me to introduce myself to him" he said pointing at me.

"I'm Noah, Lucas" He then said to me and left the room


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