Memories ~05~

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Niko couldn't finish the food properly. She didn't feel like eating anymore. It was 10 pm and dinner time passed a long while ago. But she didn't even feel hungry. Leaving the rest of the food she leaves.

It's happening for a past few days. Not only about food but using the phone, watching TV, or even going outside feels boring. Something is definitely wrong. But her parents didn't notice as they are so busy into their lives.

The classes of her high school will start from the next week. This whole month she got off so Namjoon didn't come. She's not missing him, right?

She stands at the balcony in a try to distract her.

Skip a week ◔

Just returning from the school Niko turns the television on. She's so happy today. Her favorite tennis player Jung Hoseok will play a match after whole two months. He got married last month so he was on a short break. Niko blushes thinking about the lucky girl who has got bounded with Hoseok. Her name was - and she was looking so pretty in the wedding photos which are roaming online.

The match almost ended when the door bell rings.

Bell Bell!!

Making a disturbed face she runs and opens the door.


It's none other than Kim Namjoon.

Niko's face loses the anger, instead something happens inside her stomach. She forgets to move and starts eyeing Namjoon. He wore - today and with that get up he looked hot as fvck.


Namjoon fake coughs gaining Niko's attention. Her mouth was opened a bit which she closed, also making a place for Namjoon to get in.

Good Afternoon sir.

He gets inside and goes to her room without replying anything. At first Niko used to think it's because of his attitude but now she knows it's just his habitat. His silence attracts Niko towards him even more.

The match was still left a bit. Niko gets confused either to finish that or get in. Hoseok makes a point meanwhile.


Niko decides to wait till it ends. At least he is her most favorite personality. Maybe Namjoon comes to the second place.


WTH I'm thinking.

Soon as the match ends she goes to her room. Namjoon's cologne was spread in the air. Finally he is back again.

She enters holding her breath and bows another time. Namjoon narrows his eyes. Niko couldn't look at him.


She quickly brings her books but today she is not able to pay attention in the studies. When Namjoon was teaching her a formula, her gaze was somewhere else, imagining something which she doesn't wanna accept.

Do the math now.

Anyhow solving the problem she gives it to him to check. Thankfully it was correct.

Niko inhales the air. This thing she missed so much. His cologne is actually addictive. She understood now.

Time passed and it was the time for Namjoon to leave.

Keep the works completed.

Yes sir.


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