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Emerson tried to stay away from Leighton as much as she could. Her head was telling her not to engage and her damn hormones were telling her to confess her feelings. The internal conflict really sucked. She spent as much time as she could at the women's center with Alicia to try and avoid thinking about Leighton.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here." Emerson scratched her head as she stepped into the common room at the center. Alicia looked at her with a grin before leaving to give them space. Emerson wished she could've stayed.

"Trying to get some hours in. I refilled the pads and tampons by the door." Leighton put her book down, grinning.

"Something helpful, huh? I'm impressed." Emerson stopped, looking at the chair Leighton was sitting on." Did you buy a new chair?" Emerson asked.

"Hey, if I'm spending a hundred hours here, I'm not doing it on a couch older than me," Leighton replied, patting the arm of the expensive leather chair she'd bought.

"If you wanted to knock a few more hours out, you could help Alicia and I with the ABCs of the LGBTs panel?" Emerson stuffed her hands in her pockets to make sure she didn't do something weird with them. She was way too nervous for a basic conversation.

"I would, but I have a date."

"Let me guess- rich, blonde, and a douchebag?" Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"Everything but the douche part is right." Leighton grabbed her book as she rose from her seat.

"There are condoms on the way out," Emerson called after her, giggling.

"I don't hook up on the first date." Leighton looked at her shoes as she left.

"That's what they all say," Emerson smirked, settling in for the panel.

Leighton wasn't excited about her date. Like, at all. But she was trying to force herself to be. He was a good guy, and she should like him. So, she pushed forward and got ready for a night she wouldn't forget, for one reason or another.

"I enjoyed that." Leighton smiled. Cory returned the smile before his face turned sour.

"I just- I don't understand. One minute, you're telling Quinn you like me, then you ghost me for three weeks, then we're on a date, and you're all over me. What's up with you?" Cory asked, turning to face Leighton.

"I do like you, what are you saying?" Leighton gulped, her face turning bright red.

"Prove it." Cory pursed his lips.

Leighton didn't know what she was doing, but suddenly, she was kissing him. She slipped her hands behind his neck and pulled him closer.

"Can we go back to your place?" She whispered against his lips. Cory nodded furiously, his cheeks tinting pink. Leighton felt her heart catch- and not in a good way, as her thoughts wandered back to Emerson.

Emerson returned to her dorm around midnight, her hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her winter coat. She opened the door and hung up her scarf, going to make herself a cup of hot cocoa before bed. She settled on the couch next to a half-asleep Kimberley who was making the occasional comment on the episode of Love Island that she was watching. They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, Emerson slurring away at the chocolatey liquid and Kimberly mumbling about the men on the screen.

"How's it going?" Emerson asked, taking a sip from her steaming mug.

"The guy I like doesn't give a shit about me. But neither does his guy so I guess it's normal." She murmured, gesturing vaguely to the tv.

"Get some sleep, Kimberley." Emerson gave her a small smile, finishing her cocoa. It was cold and she wasn't going to let it go cold.

She patted Kimberley on the shoulder as she stood. She put the mug in the dishwasher and went to get ready for bed. She'd hoped Leighton would be in bed, scrolling through Kappa's TikTok page like she usually was.

"Leighton?" Emerson asked, hoping the blonde would respond. Nothing. "Dammit." She sighed. So much for not hooking up on the first date.

Emerson changed into the oversized Essex hoodie she'd saved for occasions like this (being sadly gay and liking a straight girl) and settled into bed, shutting her eyes and letting sleep overtake her.

Emerson awoke early, hoping to get a quiet walk in. She liked to see the leaves change. They helped her not think about the girl she was in love with. She turned a corner and her breath left her body. There stood a disheveled Leighton, fixing her clothes. Leighton waved, a smile touching her perfect lips. Emerson shook her head. Of course, she'd been right. She returned the wave disappointedly and looked towards the ground.

Leighton watched as Emerson walked away and she knew she had fucked up big time.

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