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That night was one Emerson would never forget. Leighton's hands on her hips, her lips on her neck. The way it felt to come undone underneath the blonde who she'd fantasied about across a bedroom for weeks. 

Leighton was content. For the first time in a while, she felt comfortable in bed with someone.

It was around midnight when both of them had finished and were starting to put their clothes back on.

"I should probably go," Leighton smiled meekly, pulling her shirt back on over her purple lace.

"Why?" Emerson grinned, still naked underneath the blankets.


"I get it, you're used to running away from sex. I've seen you do it all year. I've done it before. But you don't have to. We can just... stay. Order some food, watch some Indian matchmaker," Emerson grinned, watching the blonde turn back towards her.

"Okay. But we have to be out by 11 tomorrow. And back to the dorm before parents lunch."

"Fuck, I forgot about that," Emerson grimaced, knowing her parents would be in the same room again.

"What? It's not gonna be that bad," Leighton laid down next to Emerson, leaning her head on the dark-haired girls shoulder.

"My parents are not on the best terms. They divorced about four years ago because my mom couldn't handle my dad being the way he is," Emerson said, absentmindedly playing with Leighton's hair to distract herself.

"And that is?" Leighton asked.

"My dad rides a motorcycle, he does tattoos for fun, and he plays guitar in a rock band. He never really grew out of the punk teen faze."

"I see, and your mom is..."

"An academic child psychologist who's idea of fun is writing a textbook." Emerson sighed, thinking fondly of her nerdy mother. She said that with love- because she was also a nerd. But the sight of the greying woman with grandma reading glasses on was as nerdy as you get.

"I get it. I'm sorry," Leighton gave Emerson a soft smile.

"It's alright. I wasn't surprised by the divorce. They never really liked each other, they just got married because my dad got her pregnant." Emerson chuckled as Leighton's face blushed a deep red.

"Okay then," Leighton pulled her phone out to order food. "Were they young?" Leighton asked bluntly

"My dad was 16, mom was 17."

Emerson wasn't uncomfortable talking about her family. It's something she'd gotten used to. As long as her parents didn't interact she was fine. 

The rest of the night was full of pizza and love triangles until the girls fell asleep, tangled up with each other. They woke up late (go figure) and rushed back to the dorm.

The problem with one of you being closeted and living in the same dorm is that you have to come in separately as to not let your roommates know you'd been fucking less than ten hours ago.

Leighton went in first, leaving Emerson sitting awkwardly outside the door for a few minutes before coming in as well.

"Both y'all got fucked last night!? Damn! I'm jealous!" Bela giggled at the state of the two girls, disheveled in the same clothes as the night before.

All Whitney said was "Nice," with a knowing look toward the girls.

"I've got to get changed. My parents set up a photo shoot for our family because we are 'officially an Essex family'," Leighton walked into their bedroom without another word.

Emerson walked to the showers, hoping to clean off the stench of sex before she saw her family. Her mother would surely comment, her dad would yell at her for it, and her sister would roll her eyes like every other annoying teenager.

She came back to the dorm in the middle of everyone's preparation. Bela was freaking out about convincing her parents she was a neuroscience major while hogging the curling iron, Kimberley was mumbling about the cost of the dinner, and Whitney was texting her dad. Emerson ran into her bedroom, not knowing what time it was. She did her makeup quickly before throwing on her dinner dress.

"What time is the reservation?" Emerson breathed.

"Not for another like-" Whitney looked back down at her phone. "Four hours."

"Why the fuck are you guys ready then?"

"Best to be prepared." Kimberley called from her bedroom.

Emerson rolled her eyes, storming out of the dorm to get some air. Yet again, she felt her emotions bubbling over. She wasn't angry- she was scared. She'd been lying to Leighton that she was over the divorce, she wasn't. Seeing her parents together brought back painful memories of the screaming matches they had when she was in middle school.

Emerson walked into the main square, admiring the trees before her eyes landed in a familiar blonde. Leighton and her family were throwing fake leaves up in the air, trying desperately to get their perfect matching sweater shot.

Emerson stopped to look at the perfect family and she couldn't help but be a little jealous. Those thoughts melted away though, when she made eye contact with Leighton. The blonde waved toward her with a soft smile on her face. Emerson giggled at the situation and how uncomfortable her and her brother looked.

She watched as they took the picture, a sour thought tainting the perfect scene. Leighton probably would never tell her family, because she didn't want to risk losing this.

Emerson didn't know that Leighton would ever be confident enough to come out. Emerson didn't know if Leighton would chose her above her reputation. She wouldn't chose herself. Leighton could leave her.

That was scary.

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