Chapter 6

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Chase Atlantic

TRIGGER WARNING: details of strangulation, injuries to main character
Please proceed with caution <3

     On Thursday Kat and I spend almost the whole day making the jerseys so we can wear them to the game. The boys ended up practicing for most of the day since Kat and I said we weren't able to hang out until after the game.
     "You ready to go?" Kat asked as she threw on the jersey we made and grabbed her keys. "Yeah let's go" I say as we head out of the apartment.

The game was going well until in the 2nd period a group of men sat beside Kat and I. One sat by Kat and one sat by me. Two of them sat behind Kat and I.
Kat and I didn't really realize something was wrong until there's a mouth by my ear and there speaking. "What's a pretty lady like you doing at a hockey game alone?"
I turn my head to the man who sat right behind me with a look of annoyance on my face. "I'm not alone." I say even though it was half true half not.
Yeah Kat was with me but the man meant a boyfriend. He was wondering where my boyfriend was. Luke was here but 1. He's not my boyfriend and 2. He's sitting on the bench right now and would not be able to get over here.
"I don't see him." The man says as I feel Kat sit up straighter than how she was before. I sat still my legs propped up on the wall surrounding the ice.
I tried my best to seem calm like I wasn't shutting bricks right now. I wanted to run as fast as I could but there was no escape so instead I use my second best choice. "You better have a massive dick to back up that attitude or else people will be mighty disappointed."
The man smirk and I can hear a chuckle. "Care to bring out a ruler and text that theory. We can go back to my hotel."
"I left my magnifying glass at home so maybe tomorrow." I say to him and Kat burst out laughing. Her laughs are ripped away as the guy next to her has his hand on her shoulder.
I'm quick to stand up turning towards the men. "Back the fuck up." I say to them which they all just laugh at me. "Is there a problem here?"
I turn my gaze to a group of guys walking up to us. They had been coming from concession and we're sitting two rows behind us.
"No there's nothing wrong." Says the other guy beside me his arm wrapping around me before I can even react his arm tightens and I can't move.
The group is guys all set there food down as they stare at Kat and I's situation. "Let them go." Says one of the guys but the man's grip just tightens around my waist.
The grip from the man makes his fingers turn white and I can feel my body concave on itself. I wince in pain as I look over at Kat who still has the guy on her shoulder.
"The fuck you gonna do about it. We're all fine here so back the fuck off." Says the guy that was whispering in my ear.
"It's obvious your bothering these girls so leave them alone or we will make you." The guy says and my breathe catches at the thought of theses guys fighting for Kat and I. There was 6 of them and 4 of the men bothering Kat and I. They had the upper hand but I still didn't want them to get hurt.
"Fuck off." Says the guy as he's pushing me into the wall. The 6 guys jump over the chairs as I'm shoved harsh up against the wall. His hand wraps around my neck as he bangs my head over and over again against the wall.
The crowd goes silent as they watch it unroll. They pull the guy off of me but his hands remain around my neck as he's pulled over the first row off seats and slammed down. His arms slammed into the chair as I'm brought down to the floor with him.
I can hear Nico and Jack yelling behind the wall. My eyes close as the guys hands are ripped off my neck and I lose hearing in my left ear. I gasp for hair as my ear begins to ring and blood drops onto the floor under me.
Arms wrapped around me as I'm protected from the fight happening around me. Kat had made her way beside me during the whole thing and the person was now covering both of us from the guys fighting.
"You guys ok?" I hear the way too familiar voice of Luke Hughes in front of me. He had made his way off the bench and to us.
"Oh yeah. Perfectly fine. Feel like I could run a marathon." I say smiling up at him through the pain which he just chuckles at me.
"Glad your humor is still intact." Luke says as security is able to stop the fight. I slowly get up with Luke's help and watch as security escorts them out.
"Wait! They didn't do anything! They were helping us! Don't make them leave!" I yell at security who turn around to look at me but there eyes flick to Luke.
"There wouldn't have been a fight if those guys weren't here. Let them stay." Luke says in a almost calm voice as he motions to the guys that were already being taken up the stairs.
The security lets them stay and Luke leads Kat and I to the medical area. Nico and Jack were both still behind the glass scanning over us with there eyes.
Jacks hand meets Kats with a barrier of glass in between them. She says she's fine and Jack insists both of us to go to the medical bay and we both just nod as Luke leads us.
At the medical bay I'm finally able to see myself. My neck was red and already bruising from the guys grip. My head pounded from being hit on the glass over and over again.
Kat had a hand imprint they was bruising on her shoulder. The paramedic gave us both pain meds and said we were good to go after he checked me for a concussion and cleaned my ear. He said if I don't get hearing back in my ear the next few days that I'd need to go to the ER to get antibiotics.
After that Luke lead us to the bench after Coach Ruff had insisted we sit on the bench with the team. We stand behind them for the rest of the game pacing with Coach Ruff.

In the third period jack had two goals, two assists and Nico had two assists. They were doing amazing and the other team was getting frustrated.
Nico was able to get to the puck first behind the goal and Billy Sweezey was on his back. At some point Nico is able to pass the puck off but that doesn't stop Sweezey from shoving him down to the floor.
Kat is quick to rush to my side her hand meeting mine. Jack is sat in front of us his body turning toward us his hand grabbing Kats other hand. " He'll be fine. Don't worry." Jack says his voice soft trying to reassure us.
"We know. It's just always worrying for us. We don't need him getting hit in the face again especially not with a puck like that one time." Kat says to him and squeezes his hand.
The refs are able to break them apart and both of them are sent to the penalty box with a few other players. By the end of the game Kat and I are exhausted from screaming and yelling.
The boys are the first ones out of the locker room. They immediately wrap there arms around Kat and I but they don't speak. There silent as he all hug.
Nico gives me a hug last and i immediately grab his face checking for injuries from the fight. "Are you ok?" I ask him in a quiet voice trying not to hurt my head.
"Your really asking if I'm fine? Colton Bleu Ryder you just got strangled and your asking me if I'm ok?!" Nico says as he smiles at me.
"Yes." I say my smile not dropping. "I was always taught to put others first."
Nico sighs as Luke walks over. "Well I think it's time you put yourself first. You have to have a killer headache especially with a ruptured eardrum."
"It's not that bad to be honest." I say trying to hide the fact that all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. "Let's get both of you guys home." Says Jack his arm wrapped around Kats waist trying to avoid her shoulder.
We finally make it to Jack and Luke's apartment and I find myself falling asleep in Luke's arms for the first time.

Authors note
Hehe I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)
Love you guys <3

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