Chapter Nine

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Icarus POV

When the evening came my wrists were sore and red. I didn't get that much sleep due to my raging erection that lasted most of the day.

I peeled my tired eyelids open, and tried to stretch but the handcuffs limited any movement. I growled low in my throat in annoyance.

I felt rustling next to my head and turned towards it. Green eyes clashed with black as Zaikai gazed at me. A soft smile playing on his lips. "Good morning beautiful," he murmured while running a large hand through my sweaty hair. "I hope you slept well."

I jerked my head away, "can you take off the handcuffs now? My wrists are killing me."

With gentle movements Zaikai released my hands with a small key he produced from the night stand. When I tried to rub my wrists Zaikai captured them in his own and started to lick them. I watched with parted lips as they healed before my eyes.

"Wow I never knew you could heal wounds with your saliva as well, I just thought it was for healing feeding marks."

"Mmmhmm," he agreed while leaning back on the head board. "Vampires of my stature can do it to anyone. But mated pairs of any creature can heal each other through their saliva."

I nodded my head, while sitting in a criss cross position in front of him."I knew about that but...what else can you do?" I asked not trying to hide the curiosity in my voice.

He smiled wide,"well another thing is my fangs are larger than normal."

That piqued my interest, "show me!"

He opened his mouth real wide. Then large twin white fangs stretched down to his chin. I reached out a timid hand to touch them. I know vampire fangs are really sensitive but his were so abnormally long that I had to touch them.

I brushed a finger down the smooth white canine, then came down to touch the pointed tip. Before I could touch the other canine a thick hand wrapped around my own."I don't think I could control myself if you stroke the other too."

A deep blush stained my cheeks as I muttered a half hearted sorry.

"Also we can all be out in the sun without getting burned, that trait is also passed on to our beloveds." I nodded my head, I knew that one. "what else?" I questioned.

"We have certain abilities that come with the title. Mind reading and elemental awareness are some of the few."

"I guess all you guys live a pretty comfortable life," I concluded.

"Ah ah ah not so fast," he said giving a small pat on my hand. "The catch is we have all these powers and abilities that after time we die from to much power. But if we have our beloveds we harness our energy through them." He kissed my hand, "that's why you are so precious to me without you I die, and I only get one shot to find a beloved and now I have him."

I felt the bond between us become stronger from those words. The only thing I could do was bend down and give him a small kiss on the hand grasping my own, "then protect me good." I murmured on his hand as I got up to get dressed.

I couldn't control the small smile that decided to land on my face at seeing his expression. A mixture between shock and happiness clouded his eyes, as I walked into the closet.

I guess I knew now why he was so possessive. The odd thing about it was I didn't mind one bit.

Zaikai POV

I watched as Icarus sauntered his way to the closet bare butt naked. I now noticed two twin dimples at the base of his spine, just begging me to kiss them.

When the closet door shut, I leaned back on the bed with a contended sigh. He accepted me and I couldn't be more happier. All I needed to do now was make love to him so the bond seals for good, but that can wait for a few days.

"You better get out of bed, because I don't intend to sit around this lonely mansion all day." Icarus's sweet voice captured my ears.

I glanced up to see him dressed in blue tight fitting jeans. A snug green shirt wrapped around his pale torso and his hair was up in a bun with a few black clips keeping it all together. A few strands escaped the confinement and found a place around his face. His deep green eyes held excitement for the new day.

"You look beautiful," I complimented and he did.

He dropped his small hands to his hips and rolled his eyes. "yeah yeah yeah get up and get dressed I don't want to see you naked all day, it's bad enough I have to sleep with you in this state." He ranted, but I still could see a smile trying to break through.

"Of course darling," I purred and walked out of bed completely naked just to taunt him.

"It will only be a minute baby," I chuckled at seeing his blush.

Icarus POV

Doesn't that man have any shame, I thought while waiting for him on the bed.

He returned in a few minutes wearing all black again. "Don't you have anything to wear besides black?" I asked while standing.

"Of course but those clothes are reserved for special occasions." He answered while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me towards the stairs.

"Special occasions my butt", I mumbled. "You look like you're out to go kill someone."

"Maybe I am you never know?" He shrugged his shoulders jokingly.

"You're impossible," I tried not to laugh.

He led me to a large lavish dining area that I've never seen before. "Why do you need this large of a dining room?"

"I don't," he pulled out a chair for me that I gladly sat in.

"Then why is it this big if you dont need it?" I asked, watching him sit down beside me.

"I had the money, and it suits the house so well don't you think?"

"Yeah it sure the hell does," I said while looking around the whole room.

"Are you hungry?" He asked while looking down at a document intently."

"Not really?" It came out as more of a question than a statement.

He looked up from his work with one dark eye, "tell me the truth Icarus, you need all the blood you can get so you can regain your strength faster."

I sighed, slumping my shoulders. "Yes maybe a little."

"Alright come here," he dropped his work and opened his arms.

I didn't need anymore invitation and jumped right in them. I clutched his shirt in my hands and gave his neck a long lick. Breathing in his scent deeply I delicately bit into his throat. When I took enough till I was full a pulled back and sealed the punctures. Then laid my head on his chest.

"I love it when you feed from me. I love knowing that I'm your source for life." he murmured in my hair, and showered me with kisses.

I loved knowing that as well.

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