Chapter Sixteen

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Osiris Andrus to the side-->

Icarus POV

I laid on my side looking out through the cracks of the curtains into the night.

I had on a pair of deep crimson underwear. The rest of my body was exposed due to my lack of feeding which caused me to overheat . My legs and arms were wrapped around a dark pillow that I clutched tightly to my chest. My hair was a wild mess and my eyes were fighting against the battle of sleep.

Every so often my body would twitch alerting me of my hunger. But I ignored my bodies calling, I did not want trouble Zaikai who was working.

My big green eyes started to shut once again and this time I let them fall closed. Just as my conscious started to catch up with my eyes the door was rattled open.

I was now too tired to care so I just kept my eyes closed and my breaths even.

The bed dipped slightly behind me. Then a large palm landed on my shoulder and started to gently massage the tight muscles. A small moan bubbled forth from my lips as he bent down and started kissing the back of my neck.

"Do you want something to eat baby?" Zaikai's husky voice whispered in my ear.

I nodded my head, and started unraveling myself from the pillow. Zaikai reached under my arms and picked me up. Then plopped me down in his lap facing him. I wrapped my arms and legs around him much like I did with the pillow, and laid my head on his chest for a moment.

I didn't know how to talk to him anymore. After those powerful words were exchanged I didn't know what to think let alone speak to him. So I settled for small gestures of affection that held a lot more meaning than words.

Zaikai ran his long fingers through my hair and kissed me briefly on my forehead. I closed my eyes when his cool lips left my fevered skin relishing in the feeling of them.

I grasped his broad shoulders, tugging him to my level. I licked briefly at the long column of his neck purring at the perfect taste of him. My canines elongated to my chin impatiently. I scraped them down his skin electing a masculine groan from his parted lips. I settled my assault at the base of his throat, nipping at the skin until it turned a beautiful shade of pink. I reached up and kissed his stubbled jaw, my small fingers combing through his untamed mass of hair. My eyes locked with his, I silent slip of love was held between us. My fingers brushed down his cheek and ghosted over his lips. And I couldn't help but move up and steal a taste.

He met me halfway and took my breath away. Pushing his tongue past my fangs and swallowing up my cries for him. I wanted him closer I needed this man closer. Zaikai nursed each of my sensitive fangs, making my green orbs roll back in my head. I pulled away from his lips and threw my head back sucking in a gasp of air. Before I could fall back on the bed strong hands caught my form, scooping me up close. One hand settled on the back of my head and the other on the small of my back, my little hands squished on his chest. Little pants left my lips as I gazed lovingly up at him. A small affectionate smile had made its home on Zaikai's lips.

"Thank you," I whispered. And somehow I knew we both knew it was far more than just a simple thank you.

With the worry lifted up off my shoulders. I crawled my mouth up his chest and bit long and deep into his vein. I took small gulps until my stomach was filled with his sweet blood. I gave a bloody kiss on his wound and sealed it with a stroke of my tongue.

He held me close even after I finished stealing his blood. But I knew deep down I was the one that didn't want to let him go.

"Do you want me to draw you a bath?" He asked.

I nodded in his chest, my hands grasping the material of his shirt lightly.

He stood up with ease even though I just took some of his blood. He strode to the bathroom with me looking much like a baby in his arms. He turned on the water and poured some liquid in that made the water bubble up.

He slipped me out of my underwear and delicately placed me in the water. Before he could leave I reached up and grasped his arm.

"Don't leave, I want you here...with me please." I silently pleaded looking up at him.

I watched as his eyes turned soft and a smile graced his lips,"of course."

He sat behind me and I let him lather the rose scented shampoo and conditioner in my hair. He massaged my head and poured warm over me.

Once I was clean he emptied out the tub and carried me out with a towel in my hair and another around my waist.

He placed me under the covers of the bed. He had both arms on either side of my torso and swooped down and gave me a breath stopping kiss.

I clutched one of the hands beside me. "Please make me sleep," I asked.

He curled one of his fingers around a strand of my hair."sleep little one," he smiled down at me as his form got blurry.


Zaikai POV

I looked down at Icarus's sleeping form, and I couldn't help a contented sigh. He was my beautiful love.

He pulled me from a meeting when I felt his hunger through our bond. I didn't mind though, he comes before anyone else.

The meeting was about the dragon that's been killing supernaturals. Dragon shifters were extremely rare and gifted. That's why the meeting was held.

His name was Osiris Andrus and he was one of the few remaining golden dragons. He would be a powerful ally but he had quite the temper so I have heard.

I walked back down to the meeting room to meet this dragon. I opened the door a looked across the way at two mismatched dragon eyes.

He sat cockily on the window sill his arms crossed over his chest an emotionless face examined the rooms occupants with no interest.

"So," I slammed my hands down on the table catching his attention. "Why are you killing your own kind?"

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