Moving Forward a Bit

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A couple of months have passed and Harry , Ned and Peter got into the same high school called Midtown school of science and technology. While Peter was in AP chemistry, Harry somehow got in despite his slightly suspiciously blank government paperwork. While the American educational system is completely different from the British one and his record was a bit iffy, he somehow got in. Not willing to question such good luck for the first time, Harry willingly accepted his place in the school. The only difficulty he had was with the supposed guardian registering details to the school. A quick glamour and voice changing charm performed by the Elder wand secured his place. When placing all of the details, Harry put down a second phone number he retrieved specifically for this purpose, however the number will always direct to voicemail until he can get the charm performing and reply.

Peter and Ned were ecstatic that he was able to go the school with them. They quickly discovered his addiction to coffee as he went through 2 cups per day, one in the morning in a paper cup from a non branded coffee shop and the other in a thermos to drink throughout the day. When Peter once as a joke drank sip from his cup one morning, thinking it was some iced tea or something of that kind, he nearly gagged at the strong, acidic taste. After that they knew he drank the strongest black coffee and stayed firmly away from those cups. One time Flash jokingly tried to take his thermos and Harry. Did. Not .Appreciate. That. He grabbed Flashes annoying blazer, pulled him up to his face and stated "Touch my drink again and your face will be kissing my shoes". At Harry's dead eyes that sharpened into glinting emeralds, Flash nervously handed the drink back and speed walked away. This was before the first incident with Peter of course, as Harry would gladly rearrange his digestive system if he knew Flash was the one tormenting Peter. At Harry's face, Peter waved his hands and said he didn't want the help and that he'll deal with it by himself. After that comment, an explosive argument developed between the two.

It went on for a whole week and they came to a reluctant agreement that Harry would chase Flash off every time he came as it as clear he feared Harry. While Peter and Ned were immune to the aura Harry exhibited, other were not. His eye bags complimented with his eyes when he was staring at someone was a deadly combination that scared everyone. Preventing not only Flash and his gang but also everyone else. Personally Harry was completely okay with this as it meant less people to disturb him and quickly stopped everyone gawking at his British accent. Ned joined the robotics club while peter joined the decathlon team. They wanted Harry also to join them and jokingly debated it with each other, Harry quickly folded and said that he'll join the book club after some consideration.After all he's useless with technology due to his magic and doesn't have the well rounded knowledge required for Peter's club. His solution is to join a completely different group in order to find the middle ground.

Throughout this time, Harry kept up with the news and any information regarding the Avengers. So when Tony Stark also known under the alias as Iron Man announced where he lives and baited a terrorist group to his home in Malibu both Harry and Peter were one of the first to know, Harry due to his regular reading of the news and Peter because it was Iron Man. Both of them were at home so the moment the news reported it, they immediately called each other to try and figure out what was going on behind the scenes as there was clearly more to the story than mentioned. Nervously waiting, both boys scoured the internet to find any new information but it was futile as it was confirmed much later on that all was fine. With the new school year starting with a bang, Peter, Ned and Harry all went to the local coffee shop where Harry gets his coffee to order a drink and later to Delmar's to get a sandwich.

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