Spiderman's Beginning

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Harry was worried about Peter. A few weeks have passed from the school trip and during that time, Peters uncle had passed away. The funeral was a somber event that Harry wished he didn't have experience visiting. Peter was an emotional wreck throughout this time but was gradually getting better. He seemed to be processing things but was a bit secretive. Both him and Ned understood so they layed off of him and just let him know that they are available whenever if he needs them. Time continued to pass at a crawling pace but other than that not much has changed.

Harry kept a vigilant eye out for any magic users that may appear as he didn't want to be caught off guard. To do this he had practiced to keep the magic streams continuously open as to see any changes. At the beginning it was difficult but over time he has adapted and now can keep them open for most of the day. Sometimes he could see the orange streams tense and dense at some points but other than that none of them provided any information.

 All was going fine until one day when Harry was walking to his apartment for a change, he got caught up in a mugging. He was so used to it at this point since this wasn't the first time it happened. Most of the time he just confunded them and escaped but this time there was a knife under his throat and he couldn't exactly have a confused man with a knife under his throat. Before he could do anything, a thump was heard above his head. Looking up he saw a red and blue vigilante that goes by Spiderman.

Harry observed how Spiderman quickly dispatched the muggle and asked to use his phone to call the police, Harry handed the phone off and when the police came, Spiderman was gone. Shrugging, Harry turned around and was about to continue walking before he heard tapping above on a light post. Looking up again he saw Spiderman hanging upside down. "You good?" "Yeah, happens all the time" "What!". That seemed to startle him as he dropped down and waved his hands around as to ask if he told the authorities and if he's fine. Harry being too tired to ask why he's asking a stranger all these questions just stated that he was used to it and that's that.

 Spiderman was processing his answer and seemed to come to a conclusion "Let me walk you back, just to make sure that nothing else happens, I swear I have no bad intentions!" he seemed to get a bit flustered as he processed how unsettling it might be to ask to accompany a stranger back to their house. Harry was just done for the day and decided to allow the vigilante to lead him back as opposed to arguing over it, he has to use his energy wisely or else he'll crash.

The journey was slightly awkward but eventually they got there. Harry opened the door and when Spiderman was about to leave, Harry conjured a travel mug and poured some tea in it "Here, as a thanks I guess. It's not everyday that a vigilante saves you from a mugger and escorts you home.". When he took the mug, he wasted no time into closing the door and relaxing on the couch. Ready to his homework, Harry took out his English and started doing it. Oblivious to the concern a certain vigilante was feeling.


When Peter was going as Spiderman, he didn't expect to end his day with Harry being mugged in an alleyway. Peter quickly intervened and left reeling that Harry was mugged consistently.To prevent this, he offered to walk him home but just after asking realized how creepy it sounds like. Surprisingly Harry agreed and Peter doesn't know if he should be comforted that he can help or be more concerned that Harry allows a supposed stranger to escort him home. When they arrived, Peter couldn't sense a single person at home. He added a tally to the Harry mystery and was about to leave when Harry handed him a mug of tea. Slightly surprised that it's not coffee, Peter thanked him and left to return home. When he was setting himself to go to bed, he marked to patrol Harry's area more often and to check up just to be safe.

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