Trip To Oscorp

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Harry was exhausted. Both emotionally and physically. His experience a few weeks back was a jolting reminder that other magic users exist and now that he has confirmation of that fact and can do nothing about it infuriates him. This added with the nightmares prevents him from falling asleep. Peter and Ned try to get Harry to sleep with varying levels of success and when they see him ever sleeping, they are willing to commit crimes to keep him asleep as long as possible. One thing to look forward too (according to Peter) is the field trip to Oscorp. Apparently their class won their exclusive tour and so they will get a tour of their labs. Harry never being on a field trip that he actually enjoyed before, was slightly excited but not wanting to get his hopes up, kept his expectations low.

Their bus arrived in the morning and the three of them were enthusiastically talking about how Oscorp was expanding the science field with DNA alterations and other things that Harry could not understand. When they arrived, both Ned and Peter were practically vibrating with excitement. Harry simply chuckles and sips his coffee while keeping an eye out for anything interesting. The tour was mediocre for him but for the two boys who breathed science it was fantastic. The only part that slightly unnerved Harry was the spider room. Flashbacks from the Forbidden Forest and the meeting with Arragron will permanently stay in his mind and will refuse to leave. Peter was animatedly talking with Ned about how this spiders silk is apparently twice as strong as common house spiders silk as Harry rested against a pillar and zoned out.

The tour ended soon afterwards with the two boys rapidly firing all that they found interesting in the labs with Harry gently talking about his own favorites. Throughout the journey back, Peter was complaining about a headache that he probably got from not drinking water and Harry chided before giving him a water bottle he got at a vending machine when Peter was nagging him about drinking something other than coffee.

Peter narrowed his eyes, looking at the water bottle looking suspiciously full while Harry was suddenly very interested with the landscape outside. Peter sighed, took a few gulps and gave the bottle back. Harry tried to refuse but Peter was instant and this went back and forward as Ned narrated their actions as a sports documentary. This continued all the way back to school and only ended when Peter threw the bottle at Harry, forcing him to catch it. Harry narrowed his eyes while Peter stuck his tongue out before they all burst out laughing.

Harry decided to treat himself by apparating home and watching a movie, riding out all of the positive feelings he has and savoring the moment. He shortly passed out due to exhaustion but did so with a smile on his face.


Peter was feeling weird. He started feeling it after that spider bit him in the laboratory. He probably should have let someone know but then they would know that the spider got out and it was already dead by the time he noticed what bit him, and he didn't want to deal with any complications it could cause. One thing that Peter was glad to have done was that he finally told Ned of his suspicions of Harry's 'Aunt'. Now both of them would work on investigating what was going on. Ben opened the door and Peter could faintly remember how May had another late shift today, he hopes that May wasn't overworking herself. Ben was talking about dinner and at Peters lack of reply or ramble at Oscorp he frowned, checking his forehead with the back of his palm. Feeling that Peter was burning up, Ben forced some medicine in him and sent him to bed. Peter went to bed and instantly goes to sleep.


Stephen was close to ripping his hair out of frustration. It's been a few week since they put out a notice about the boy and consistent searching from both him and Wong, yet there are no results. One may think that being able to open portals was handy but not in the case if the target can teleport without the use of portals and any location spell must have some item from the person they are looking for or else it would not work. They decided to ask the people around the place where they fought Kaecillius if they saw a boy that matched the description but it proved to be useless as no one knew him.

Wong was looking through books to see if there was a spell that existed of what spell the boy used while Stephen was taking a break that was enforced by the Cloak. With his hands holding the tea that the Cloak somehow brewed, he could feel some of the stress melt off of him as he relaxed. All this running around with the duties as sorcerer supreme was not easy. He was enjoying the moment until he heard a thump, a startled yelp and quiet cursing from the library. He sighed, set down the tea, grabbed the Cloak and went off to see what Wong did this time. Cause last time Wong fell off the tallest shelf and somehow didn't die despite not using any magic.

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