chapter 3. Welcome home again

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Narrator:Tenma came back to Inazuma town......and the story continues.

Tenma:I am back. Somehow it seems to be changed so much.(to his inner self)Of course I had forgotten the memories of how it changed day by day. Three years ! it's a very big gap . Ahhh.......

Sosuke:Ah...Tenma-kun right ? You have changed so much and just see how much tall you have become in the span of two months.

Tenma:Sosuke-san right! are! Even you are changed....ummm.... changed like , you have grown old...

Sosuke: oii...what do you mean by I had grown old!!!! I am basically 20 years right and it isn't old. But you have changed... wait , have you taken any special medicine for the growth.

Tenma: It's.. it's not like that .. I would obviously grow and this is the result of adolescence and it's not related to any special medicine. Okay now you know the reason so please stop teasing me.

Sosuke:Ohhh.... really..I doubt it..

Tenma:I am going back to Okinawa...

Sosuke:ahh...sorry!!sorry!! my bad I would not tease you know . So let's go to Kogarashi manor right?


Narrator: At the Kogarashi manner, all of the residents welcomed Tenma...then

Tenma:Thank you so much everyone for this welcome party!! I am so much happy.

Konda:Tenma! I had kept your belongings in your room. And if you want to go for buying some stuff I would tag along, it is okay right?

Tenma:Of course!! I would be glad to . I would inform you when I want to go.But why I am not able to see Aki-nee is she out ?

Narrator: Everyone were shocked and silent as they did not know what answer to give to Tenma. Yes, Aki-nee got married last year to Ichinose and is currently is living in America. Due Tenma's memory loss , he does not know about this. By Tenma's question the residents of Kogarashi manor are in great trouble. Then.....

Tenma:Why is everyone silent? and what about Aki-nee? At least any one of you can tell right?

Rin: Tenma! about got married last year and is currently living in America now!! (closed his ears)

Tenma:!!!!!!!Why did I not know anything about this? (crying and speaking at the same time)

Sosuke: Because were present at her wedding but due your medical reasons you don't remember it .

Tenma:(in great shock and pain)Hum....You are right . I am sorry for before and there is no way Aki-nee would marry without telling us, isn't it? I am really sorry for before.


Konda:(claps and bringing attention towards him)Seen you have travelled for a long distance you would have been tiered right? so go rest in your room a bit. We will call when the lunch is ready.

Rin:yeah... you are right!Come on Tenma you need to rest and recover right?

Tenma:ah...hum.... yes I think I should rest for a bit.

Narrator:Tenma walks in the room...and rests for a while.

Tenma:It feels nice to be back again. Then let's get some sleep.(sleeps on his bed)

Narrator:After some time....the day passes all the members including Tenma has lunch, then dinner. Now on the first day of high school......

Tenma:(wakes up)It was a good sleep. Sasuke let's go for a morning walk.

Sasuke: replying....bow bow...

Tenma: The nature smells good in the morning right Sasuke?(Sasuke running fast suddenly) woo....wait for me Sasuke .....(brings him near to the shrine) is it our secret place or something? Then let's go ..

Narrator:Tenma climbs up the stairs and is suprised to see someone standing there as it was early in the morning no one should be there yet. There was a beautiful, tall , young boy enjoying the view of cherry blossom trees.

Tenma:(to his inner self)Ahh... beautiful. it is my first time seeing such a beautiful person.

Narrator:the boy suddenly shifts his gaze towards Tenma....

Tenma:aa...a.....good morning !!

Narrator:The boy standing directs his hand and points towards the street clock...and then ..... anything wrong.(shocks suddenly as in the clock it is showing 7:45)!!!!! I am going to be late on the first day of my high school.(crying)

Narrator:Tenma rushes home and swiftly gets ready and runs to school while eating bread on the way...

Tenma:I am going to school....(runs)

Narrator:Tenma runs to school.....and after reaching the school he observes that.....

Tenma:(heavily breathing)At last I reached the school (sees the clock on the school building) ahh...aa..a. how is that possible (the clock was showing 7:45 am) No, wait...... Ahhhhhhh I was fooled by that boy.

Narrator:Yes , Tenma was fooled by the boy standing near the shrine. Now let's see what happens later...
The story continues......

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