Chapter 3

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You wake up while nuzzling closer to the man laying next to you, his eyes were staring at the wall behind you, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. You smile as you look up at him and place a gentle kiss on his neck. Wally startles at the sudden movement and looks down just as you place the kiss, he smiles wider than his usual smile.

"Well good morning beautiful," Wally says as he strokes your head gently. "did you sleep well?" You nod to him still cuddling into him. You close your eyes and keep holding him down for longer. He mumbles, "We should get up and get you groceries-" He gets caught off-guard by loud banging from downstairs. You get startled and look up from behind Wally, he looks back at the door and gets up from your bed. Wally looks at you and tilts his head towards the door. You get up and walk to your closet and throw your hoodie on, walk through the door down the stairs to your front door, and hesitate to open it, look behind you to see Wally smile and give a thumbs up to you.

You open the door and there is Eli, they have something behind their back and their cheeks are covered in tears. Wally freezes and glares at Eli. Eli didn't notice him yet and cried out to you, "Hun! You have to see what came-" Wally pushes past you and pushes Eli back from the door and shuts your door in front of you. You hear yelling between them then silence. Wally slowly opens the door, his face horrified, he walks past you and to your living room, holding his head between his hands. You watch him go and look at Eli who looks at you holding a blanketed loaf in their arms, still teary-eyed. You motion them to come in and they step in and turn to you. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry to bother you with this... But I can not take care of him." they hold the blanketed loaf out to you and uncover a small baby puppet. The little guy looks around and smiles adorably as he sees you. You look up at Eli, "Is that a baby?" They chuckle with a shaky breaths. "Not just a baby, it's one of us. A baby that died in the real world." You look at Eli shocked. You slowly take the baby from their arms and notice Eli takes their arms away quickly and shakes them off. The child goos in your arms and you smile gently at him. Eli wipes their tears and smiles, adding loudly, "Guess you and Romeo in the other room can become parents huh." Wally shoots a crazed look at them as they chuckle.

"I... I can't be a parent yet, I just got here and don't even know how things work around, heck I even just moved into this building." You explain to Eli as they frown. Wally walks to you and takes the child from you with a single hand. The way he lifts the baby startles you and you yell at him. "WALLY THAT'S NOT HOW YOU HANDLE A BABY!" Wally sighs, "We should send this poor thing down further." You look at him confused and Eli smacks his head with their fist. "You are not killing this baby Wally!" Their words shook you and you looked terrified of Wally taking the baby back from him, holding the giggly baby close to your chest.

You smiled down at him then looked at Wally with anger, he looked scared and shielded himself from Eli.

Trying to figure out what to do with the little guy with Eli and ignoring Wally standing there. After a short while there is another knock at the door and Wally panics, he takes the baby from you and puts him in Elis' arms and picks them up, and runs them up the stairs to the master bedroom to hide them. You look baffled and go to open the door.

The star-headed short puppet was there with Julie, you remind yourself of the name of the star but couldn't come to it. You smile at Julie, for her to speak. Julie opens her wide mouth "Hi Y/N! I and Sally were wondering where you ended up! Poppy said Wally didn't come back with you so we came looking for you." She seems happy to have found you. You look over at the star smiling now remembering the name 'Sally, that's right'. Sally smirks at you. 

You hear footsteps coming from your stairs and all three of you look over to see Wally come down with his and his shirt being messy. You can hear Sally snicker. "Sorry did we catch you two at a bad time?" You look at her and then at yourself, you notice your hoodie was on upside down and your face turns red. "No-no!" you start taking off your hoodie and turning it the right way. "Nothing like that happened!" You yell at Sally as you put the hoodie back on. The star and the rainbow monster look at each other with grins on their faces. after giggling they leave and you close the door with a sigh, looking over at Wally who was blushing. "D-didn't something like that happen?" He asks and you chuckle and shrug at him. He looks down. Eli walks slowly down with the child in their hands. Wally looks up at them and narrows his eyes. "You know that child is way too young to be able to survive here, even Home wouldn't be able to protect it." You scoff at him.

"Weren't you the one who said I could fill this house, if you're telling me a single baby can't survive here, how can a family be raised here?" You glare at him and he looks at you. "Darling," he starts and comes to you, cupping your cheeks. "it's a human baby, it won't age, it will forever stay as a baby." You raised your eyebrows and looked at Eli who looked down and slightly nodded to confirm what he said. You look back at Wally and pout.

My after life is my love life (A Wally Darling x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now