Calsstrip 3- coastline

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•listen to coastline by Hollow Coves

I was so grateful as we reached Dover and left the ferry to went on with the bus.
I tried my best to sleep but my thoughts always driftet of to what happened earlier.
She was so sweet and caring.

"Aaalright everyone please listen up!"
It was Miss Wild who stood next to me with a little black microphone leaned against her lips.
"We will have a short break at the beach." My class was cheering behind me.
"Because we are a couple of hours to early. You will get sortet into your host family later. Again, behave, be careful and don't go into the water. There might be other people at the beach too we don't want them to think bad of us. Thanks."

With that she sat back down again and went on with her conversation with ms y/ft/n.
Not the beach. I can stay a little behind that shouldn't be a problem.

The pebbles made loud sounds under my boots as I stumbled in tiny steps behind my class.
"You don't want to have a look at the water?" Miss Wild asked as she walked up behind me.
"Oh no, I'm good. It's also beautiful from here." I tried my best to smile but I jumped as felt a hand on my back.
"Come with me. I'll take care of you. You won't drown not as long as I'm here." Miss y/ft/n said.
I felt how my cheeks head up but my face was red from the cold anyway. It was the beginning of May and I could still see my breath. I didn't want to imagine how cold the water was.

But somehow I stayed at ms y/ft/n's side as she slowly walked forward to the sea.
Her arm was still tight around my waist.
I heard the sea gulls scream around us.
I smelled algae and salt.
I felt the cold air burn in my lungs.
Usually I would panic but having her so close beside me calmed me a lot.
So, I just closed my eyes and leaned my head at her shoulder while walking.

Suddenly she stoped and turned to face me.
She looked me directly in the eyes.
She was a Little Bit taller then me so I had to tilt my head.
"You are so brave. And I'm so proud of you."
I didn't know how to react so I just kept starting.
But then i understood.
We stood a meter away from the water.
She must have noticed how nervous I got the second I realized so her expression changed into a smile.
"But... tag, your it!" She turned around and ran away laughing.
I stood there in shock but only for a couple of seconds.
As I got my legs moving I chased after her until be both ran out of breath.
I totally forgot about everything I was scared of.
I forgot that I was freezing, the ocean, my classmates.. everything.
I couldn't see them anyway we already ran to far away.
"Got you!" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from running again.

We tried to catch our breath still giggling.
Again we locked eyes for maybe a heartbeat to long.
Before I knew it her warm lips laid on mine.
We completely melted into the kiss.
Our tongues were dancing as her cold hands rested on my cheeks while mine where buried into her hair.
There were not just butterflies but bumblebees.
Every cell of my body started to light up.
I forgot where my face ends and hers starts.
It was over to soon.

"Y/n, we mustn't do this."
"And what if I tell you I love you?"
"Would that be the truth."
"It would always be the truth."

•I actually went to a class trip to England but she wasn't there. But that was a fake scenario of mine as I sat in a café and looked at the sea

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