Chapter 25

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Ava's POV

I felt guilty and bad, the way Tristan looked at me that night like I had betrayed him, sent a pang of guilt to my chest.

He had been avoiding me since then, he stopped picking my calls and coming to mom and dad's place, and whenever I went to his apartment, he was never in.

Even back at his mom and dad's place, he was never in, his mom had asked if everything was okay between us but I told her we were cool.

At work, he barely even acknowledge my presence, it had been a week since he had caught us together and I have been feeling sick but I just wanted to settle thing with Tristan before worrying about my health.

Ethan and I were still good, at least we still have sex when we can, it had been hectic at work so we rarely ever had time for each other, hence why he hadn't notice I was sick.

Today I decided to follow Tristan home from work, because that'll be the only chance I get to see and talk to him.

As soon as I came out of my car in his driveway, he muttered a curse word and started walking into his apartment, of course I followed right behind him.

And when he entered I did too, he turned to look at me

"What are you doing here Ava" he said and I could still sense the anger In his voice.

"I just wanna talk to you Tris" I whispered out and he just scoffed "I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean for you to find out like that" I said but he just kept staring at me.

"How long"? he asked in a clipped tone and I played with the hem of my top before answering

"A month" I whispered and he scoffed running his hands through his hair.

"A month Ava, you'd been having sex with Ethan for a month and you never told me"? He asked with pain lacing his voice and it broke my heart.

"I wanted to tell you Tris but I was afraid" I said my voice trembling, he raised a brow at me as if asking why I was afraid "I was afraid you'd judge me for it" I muttered out.

He moved closer to me and held my shoulders

"When have I ever judged you for Any choices you make Ava"? he asked and I just felt more guilty, he was calm now.

"I see you like my sister, we're supposed to be best friends and yet you keep something as big as that from me" he said his voice strained and the tears I had been trying to hold back just drops.

"I'm sorry Tris, I didn't know what to do" I said holding back my sobs.

"Ava, I'm not mad you're having a thing with Ethan, I'm just hurt you didn't trust me enough to tell me" he said and it only made me feel more bad.

He is my best friend and I hurt him without even knowing it.

He pulled me in for a hug as I cried into his chest
"It's okay sweet cheeks, you know I can't be mad at you for long" he muttered into my hair

"I'm really sorry Tris, I promise never to keep anything from you again" I muttered into his chest and he chuckled.

"Come on, let me get a couple of drinks and you're gonna tell me how y'all started this shit, I thought Ethan always talks about how he dislikes you"? He said with a laugh and I just shrugged.

I was finally happy now, I had my best friend back
We spent the rest of the evening talking about how Ethan and I started.


I was over at Ethan's place, I slept here and we had to go to work now, Tristan was coming to pick me up because I can't go in Ethan's car.

We no longer have to hide from Tristan, although the first two days he didn't talk to Ethan because apparently he was angry that Ethan was screwing his sister, and Ethan on the other hand was angry Tristan still kept calling me his sister, but I got them to talk to each other.

My sickness was getting a bit worse, I had been feeling the urge to throw up.

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Tristan to come while Ethan was still fixing himself up, when I suddenly felt it again but it came hard this time that I couldn't keep it in, I stood up and rushed into the bathroom.

Ethan followed me, I threw up everything I had for dinner the previous night and breakfast, he held my hair so I could be comfortable and he was rubbing my back.

I rinsed my mouth after I was done and he took me back into the bedroom.

"You okay baby"? He asked and I just nodded "you don't look okay, are you sure"? He asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine Ethan, it's probably a stomach bug or something I ate" I told him and he bent down in front of me taking my hands in his.

"Promise, you'll go see the doctor of it gets more than this"? he asked and I nodded, he kissed me and the door opened to reveal Tristan.

"I'm here bitches"! He yelled bursting in through the door "I'm never gonna get used to this" he muttered before walking inside.

"You ready sweet cheeks"? He asked and I nodded

"Cock blocker" Ethan muttered and Tris just gave him a middle finger

"Thank God i didn't walk in on you already doing shit, I'd have beat your ass" he said before leading me outside, i was already laughing at their banters.


I was going to be making a presentation today at work in place of Ethan and Tristan, they both had field work to supervise so they needed me to step in for them.

They had already left about 30 minutes ago, the presentation was for the board members, dad wasn't here, uncle Tony was filling in for him.

I had noticed I was running a temperature earlier on but I didn't tell Ethan else he'd freak out.

The meeting was about to start, I had everything ready for me and all the board members were there already including Uncle Tony.

Then I felt the urge to throw up again but I tried to hold it in, I couldn't afford to mess this up.

It kept coming right before I started and I excused myself and went to the bathroom, I threw up again and I felt kind of weak.

I walked back to the conference room and uncle Tony was giving me concerned looks.

"Ava are you okay"? He asked and I just nodded adjusting my dress

"I'm fine uncle Tee, I'm just a little bit stressed" I told him before standing in front of the conference room about to begin my presentation.

But then everything started getting blurry and I was seeing dark spots, my legs were suddenly too light to carry my body.

I was getting dizzy and I could hear muffled sounds from around me but I couldn't keep my eyes open, the last thing I remember is falling down and everything went dark.


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