Chapter 27

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Ava's POV

When the doctor said I was pregnant, I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, it's like the air had been sucked from my lungs.

I am pregnant for Ethan, what I had been trying to hide was now out in the open, my sneaking around with Ethan had gotten me pregnant.

I was doomed I knew that for sure, I didn't even have any words in me to tell him and thank God he didn't say anything while driving me home.

But now he was being plain stupid, what is he doing saying he is responsible for it, what is he even going to explain to mom and dad?

My eyes widened and I looked at him, he just gave a small smile before walking into the living room further, he was close to dad now and dad's jaw was clenched.

"Don't try to cover up for her Ethan" dad said through gritted teeth but he just shook his head.

"I'm not dad, the child is mine, it's my fault she's pregnant" he said and I could already see the confusion on mom and dad's face "I took advantage of her when she was drunk" he said and my eyes only grew wide.

What is he doing? That's not what happened?
He's only making it worse.

"I didn't think it would lead to this dad, I'm......." He didn't get to finish it because Dad struck him with a punch to his face and he fell back.

I rushed forward to help him up "Ethan stop, you're only making things worse" I whispered to him

Mom was already trying to hold dad "Alex what are you doing"? She almost yelled at him holding him back "Are you trying to kill him"? She asked and he just scoffed.

"I'd rather kill him than have him say what he's saying" dad snapped

Ethan already had a busted lip, there was blood on it and it shattered my heart into pieces, I was crying silently.

"Is that how I brought you up huh"? Dad asked him with a growl, mom was still trying to hold him back "To take advantage of innocent young girls"?

"Alex calm down, you're not solving anything by being angry" mom whispered to him

Ethan didn't say anything he just stood looking at dad.

"Get out"!!!! Dad spat out angrily "I didn't give birth to a rapist, you're no longer welcome here" dad said making me look at him.

"Alex"! mom yelled

"Dad please" I said walking closer to him but shrugged off mom's hands on him and walked upstairs leaving us there, I was already sobing out loud

What have I done? I not only complicated things now dad thinks he took advantage of me.

I looked at Ethan but he wasn't looking at me, he just turned around and walked out the door, I heard his car sound indicating he had left.

I was on the floor crying my eyes out and mom came and pulled me by my shoulders "Honey, you shouldn't cry like this, you'll get a headache" she told me.

"Mom I'm sorry" I said choking on my sobs but she just hugged me

"Shhh my baby, it's okay, I'm not mad at you honey, I'm just surprised you never told me" she cooed at me

We both stayed like that for a few minutes before I let go off her.

"Mom, will dad ever forgive me"? I asked and she cupped my face and smiled.

"Honey, your dad's not mad at you, he's disappointed yes but he's not mad at you" she said

"What about Ethan, is he mad at Ethan"? I asked and her face fell.

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