Chapter 18

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Jacksons house was immaculate, just like the last time I'd been here when we cleaned every inch of it, placing the shopping on the kitchen side I stood there not really sure if I could touch anything it was so clinical.

He busied himself with emptying the shopping onto the kitchen counter, "ok so this is gonna get pretty messy, so we have to be careful" he says putting an iPad onto a stand and finding a video on how to make pizza dough from scratch.

We studied it for a while before we got mixing flour and water together with a little yeast and salt creating a ball of dough and placing it into a bowl with a cloth over the top.

Jackson had this special proving draw in the kitchen which he remarked how he was the only one who actually used it, and placed the bowl inside with a timer set for an hour

We both made sure there was no mess left on the side and put the pasatta sauce and pepperoni and ham to one side, "you want use the pool for a bit while we wait?"

"I didn't bring any shorts, I didn't think" I said "that's ok, I got some spare" and before I could say anything he disappeared upstairs and came back with a towel and some black plain shorts for me to wear, and Jackson was already changed into some light blue shorts not too dissimilar from our sports kit.

I wasn't sure how I felt baring my chest to Jackson, I wasn't sure how I compared to his defined torso, and I also wasn't sure if this was too much, but he held the towel and shorts out like I didn't have a choice

"you can get changed in the pool house shower room" I took the towel and shorts, and watched Jackson wander over to the glass doors as he slid them open, now those shorts were not really leaving much to the imagination, I took a deep breath and tried to think of anything else.

Soon I was in the shower room where I got changed, wrapping my arms around my torso when I left, my muscles were not as defined as Jacksons, I was just thin I guess, I'd tried doing weights but it wasn't really my thing, I had other stuff to be doing.

Jackson was already in the pool, and I sat down on the edge sliding myself in, I felt better once I was in the water as it came up to my shoulders, the water distorting anything below them, more so distorting Jacksons body, because I wasn't sure how long I could stare at that before my own body would react.

"I usually have to swim like a hundred lengths a day" he said looking across the pool, I mean it wasn't too long, but still is was a big pool, and 100 lengths a day seemed a lot.

"your dad make you?"

"yeah, we just argue if I don't do it, when he's away its nice not to have to do these things, but I don't know, this house is kinda creepy with no one in it"

I wasn't getting the creepy vibe, more the clinical vibe, "I'm scared to touch anything"

"I know right!" Jackson smiles, "like we have this big TV room downstairs, but we're not allowed food in there, or drinks, and like when my dads home he says I aint got time for it anyway, and like the first time he went away I was eating in there and everything, but he found out, I had to run a 10 mile run, and clean it up"

Jackson lies on his back and floats in the pool, "these days its just easier not to go in there, sometimes I feel like I don't even live here, are your parents like that?"

"no, I mean our tv you can see from the kitchen so it sometimes just becomes part of the same room, we don't have too many rules at home I guess"

"we should have gone to your house!" Jackson says standing up

"my parents are insufferable, you will get quizzed and then my sister will constantly come into my room to show you something or other, its kinda crowded there"

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