Chapter 21

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"surprise" a cheer erupts from behind the counter as I walk into my house, Ella, Josh and Shannon leap up, they'd come over and I was left with my jaw literally on the floor wondering how the heck my mom and dad had organised this.

To the right trying their best to hide behind the sofa was Bryson and Phil, and then Jackson comes walking from the side with a cake in hand trying to cover the candles flame to prevent them going out as he walked

"happy birthday to you..." they all started singing and I looked to my mom and dad who stood behind me, they had planned all this, the lame birthday meal at the burger place was just a ruse to get me to come home to this

"how the heck did you know who to invite?" I ask and my dad shakes his head, "you need to thank Jackson, he managed to get everyone together"

"I am in soooo much trouble" he says placing the cake on the kitchen worktop, "come on make a wish"

I thought for a moment and made a wish in my head, blowing out the candles, "how did you even organise this with my mom and dad" I say still shocked and confused

"oh I got a call from a random number, your dad, apparently he saved my number after you used my phone on my birthday, anyway I said I'd help and everyone wanted to come so here we are"

"I'm sorry for lying to you about not being able to hang out this weekend" Jackson said, "I nearly slipped up so many times"

"I knew you were acting weird" I say smiling

"you have the house until 10pm and that's it, no later" dad says linking arms with mom, "happy birthday bro" Olivia says handing out a bottle of cider, "mom had to buy it of course"

"thanks Olivia" I hugged her taking the bottle, "and thanks mom & dad"

"come on, lets go, don't want to cramp your style" mom and dad waved and told me to behave before leaving the house, as if they were letting me have a party!

I ran round hugging everyone and saying thanks for their birthday wishes still a little in shock at how many people came

I put some music onto the stereo in the living room and we make a makeshift dancefloor on the rug by moving the small little coffee table out the way, I grab a cider and take a sip of my very first legal drink, it feels very much like all the other drinks id had before  but still it was an occasion.

"thank you" I tell Jackson again who is dancing along at the side, I notice he doesn't have a drink in paw despite the others all having one, "you not drinking?"

"I got to drive" he says his voice a little raised over the sound of the music, we didn't have it too loud but it was louder than we could talk normally, "what the heck?, my dad could probably take you back?"

"that's ok thanks, Bryson is getting a taxi, but then I'd have to get my car in the morning, its ok honestly"

"then just stay over, I'll ask my mom she will be ok, come on you organised this, please have a drink with me?, my first legal drink, come on?"

Jackson thinks for a moment, "only if your mom says yes"

I pull Jackson to the patio outside and phone my mom immediately, "Whats gone wrong, have you burnt the house down, is someone injured, were on our way!!" my mum panics on the phone

"mom...MOM" I shout, "everything is OK" I say for the second time and she finally calms down

"then whats up, aren't you having fun, its barely been 30 minutes?"

"yes mom, its good thanks, its just Jackson has driven here, and couldn't he just stay so he can have a drink" I can hear they are in the car somewhere and dads voice is in the background.

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