Chapter 11

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Drews POV:

Olivia's lips on mine felt like I had gone back in time. Before all the money. Before all the fans. It felt like it was just Olivia and I again.

I continued kissing her under the stars long after the fireworks had stopped. Finally, I pulled back from her and leaned my forehead on hers. Both of us just catching our breath still wrapped in each other.

"I've wanted to do that since I saw you at that convention center." I sighed.

She smiled and leaned in and pecked my lips. "Well, you can kiss me anytime you want Drew."

I wrapped my arms around her back tighter and pulled her body back into mine so there was no space between us "I plan to."

I locked our lips together again and felt her smile against my lips. Her hands went into my hair and she sighed happily.

I moved my lips to her jaw. I left a trail of kisses down to her neck. She leaned her head to the side to allow me easier access. I smiled against her skin and sucked on the soft spot she has under her ear. She moaned then pulled my hair back so I was looking at her.

"You are amazing Drew Line." She smiled.

"And you are perfect Olivia Wells." I smiled back at her. I leaned in and kissed her lips, making her giggle against mine.

"Let's get inside. It's cold." I said, grabbing her hand. I pulled her through the garden after me.

We walked into the quiet house and into the living room where we found Dani sitting on the couch next to a sleeping Rory.

"It's about time you came back! That couch was killing my back." He said grumpily. He leaned down and kissed Rory's forehead then walked out of the room.

Olivia and I looked at each other and giggled. She shook her head and we walked over to admire the sleeping toddler.

"You made a pretty cute kid Olivia." I whispered and smiled at her.

"Yeah, she is. She absolutely adores you." She said, beaming back at me.

"I adore her." I nodded. "Let's get her to bed. Shall we?" I asked, leaning down and picking her up. She wiggled a little then curled into my chest. My heart swelled just looking at her. I'd do anything for this little girl.

I looked up at Olivia who was staring at me with her arms crossed. I gave her a light smile before she walked over to me and kissed me making sure to not bump Rory.

"Thank you for being so good to her." She said stepping away from me.

"Thanks for letting me be part of her life." I shrugged.

Olivia smiled and turned to walk to her room. I followed with Rory. I laid Rory on the bed, kissed her forehead then stood up to find Olivia leaning against the door frame staring at me again.

"I'll let you get to bed." I whispered, walking over to her.

She grabbed my jacket with both hands and pulled my body into hers. "You can stay." She said softly.

My heart exploded at her words. I leaned in and pecked her lips

"Okay,I'll stay." I kissed her again, then I left the room and changed into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. I hurried back to Olivia's room, where she was still in the connected bathroom washing her face. She had changed into her baggy shirt and short shorts. She looked up into the mirror and saw me staring at her.

"Hey." She said with a small smile.

I couldn't help it I walked into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around her so I was standing behind her. I placed some soft kisses on her exposed neck and shoulder.

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