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Content warning for this chapter: animal death, violence

"We didn't know this place was occupied," Ellie interjected.

"We just need a place to stay for the night. We're headed to Boseman," said Marlowe. A fleeting moment passed between the two strangers, their tough exteriors faltering.

"Boseman?" The taller of the two asked,


The second stranger spoke up, "You two fireflies?"

Ellie's heart clenched in fear. She cast Marlowe a glance to see her watching the intruders.

"We are," Marlowe replied. The brunette's eyes widened, and she fought back the urge to stop her. The brunette's eyes widened, and she fought back the urge to stop the medic from getting too involved. The last thing Ellie wanted was for their cover to be blown. Enough people had their names on their lists already.

The medic continued, "New recruits. We were told to head this way."

The strangers lowered their rifles slowly. "Who sent you?"

"The folks out in Reno,"

"Reno, huh?"


The stranger with the scarf pulled it down to show his face, cheeks, and nose turned red from the cold. The man seemed to be in his forties with scruffy facial hair and dark eyes that glinted in the firelight. His partner, a stout woman who seemed to be a little younger than him, pulled down her hood. She had curly black hair and a scar above her right eyebrow.

"You two are quite a way out from Reno," the woman drawled.

Marlowe smiled, the lies flowing easily from her lips. "We're glad to have a change of scenery,"

The tall man scoffed. "Don't get too excited."

"Why not?" asked Ellie.

The man looked between his traveling companion and the other two women.

"Anything north of Bozeman is a war zone. Seems like the front lines are getting desperate if they are sending you both."

"We're just here to help where we can," Marlowe replied, "If you guys want, we can move our camp spot. We don't mean to intrude,"

The woman shook her head. "Forget it. You guys have made yourselves cozy already. If it's not a bother, could we join you? It's safer out here in groups."

Marlowe and Ellie shared a glance. Ellie's eyes bore into Marlowe's, a silent plea that went unheard.

"Of course," the medic replied, turning back to the strangers.

The man shouldered his pack. "Great, I'll go get our stuff. Greta, you wanna stay?"

The woman, Greta, nodded and Hugo turned and left, leaving Marlowe and Ellie in the dim firelight. Before Ellie could ask Marlowe why she was acting so stupid Marlowe had dropped their belongings into the Montana grass and began to unpack.

~ ~ ~

Marlowe learned quickly that Greta was capable of making miracles. With the canned goods and remnants of the rations brought by Ellie and Marlowe, the woman combined her own provisions and created a fantastic meal that Marlowe scarfed down enthusiastically.

The medic dipped her appetizer of warm biscuits into the gravy and followed it with the main course of hot sweat potatoes and chili.

"I don't think we ever got your names." Greta used her fork to mash up the red insides of her steaming potato.

RESTLESS SPIRITS ▷ ELLIE WILLIAMSWhere stories live. Discover now