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"Go, give him the food!" As I washed the last dish, I heard a voice from behind. At first, I thought she was talking to someone else, but when I turned around, I saw her looking at me as she gave me some leftovers to give it to beast. I visibly paled at her words.

"M.. me?" I asked out of fear. She scowled at me and struck across my face. I rubbed my cheek with tears in my eyes. It hurts.

"Go!" She pushed the plate in my hand and a glass of water in the other. I nodded as I looked down on the ground. I turned around and went outside.

When I reached the place, most of the people were gone to their houses, only a few of them left to guard. But by the way he is bound, I don't think he needs guarding. With a heavy heart and shivering limbs, I made my way to the center.

One of the guards stopped me when he saw me going towards the beast. I have seen this guard before. He is a pervert who harrass us every time he gets the chance. He carress my cheek and played with my hairs that were out of the braid with a sickening smile.

"Little birdy, how are you?" He asked me as he leaned toward me. I visibly flinched at the close proximity, but he seemed to like my fear as he smirked.

"I... brought ... his... food...!" I stuttered as I looked at the beast who was looking our way. Our eyes met for a brief moment until I looked away on the ground.

"You are brave enough to even think of going near him!" He admired or made fun of me, I don't understand. I gulped in fear as his hand reached my shoulder. I stepped back from him, still looking down.

"Let her go, man!" I heard nearby said, and I thanked him internally until he said something else.

"I want to see what he will do to her!" He chuckled sadistically and I froze. They are sick, they all are. The guard who was touching me sighed and stepped away from me. He, too, was excited to see how the beast would react once I reach him.

With tears in my eyes, I stepped towards the beast who was eyeing my every move. His long hairs covered half of his face. He had heavy stubble on his face. His eyes held anger as he looked at me.

As I looked at him, I decided to do something that might put my life in danger if I got caught, but at this point, I am desperate. He growled lowly as I sat in front of him at a good distance.

"Move closer!" I heard a voice from behind, one of the guards ordered me. I closed my eyes for a moment and then moved closer. He is bound by ropes. I don't think he could do anything.

I place the food and water on the ground near him.

"Feed him, can't you see he is bound!" Someone said from behind. They were finding sick pleasure in all this. I wiped my tears and held the piece of bread near his mouth. When he didn't open his mouth, I looked up in his eyes. He was eyeing my left cheek, where I am sure it is a fingerprint. I pleaded him with my eyes not to make it harder for me than it already is.

I was a shivering mess at this point as he looked deep in my eyes. I immediately looked down on the ground, not able to meet his eyes for long. He scoffed at that as if not liking my action, but then to my surprise, he opened his mouth and ate the bread. I looked up at him in shock, but his hard expression didn't change.

As I fed him the rest of the food, the guards lost interest and started talking with each other. I looked behind to see none of them looking our way, and I took it as a sign. I looked up at him as I fed him another piece of bread.

"I... will ... help.. you...but..." I stuttered and shivered in fear as he looked down at me.

"You ... have.. to.. help ... me ... in... return..!" I said, his eyes narrowed a little, but apart from that, he didn't show any sign.

"I.." I paused and pulled out a small blade from my pocket. I placed it in his hands that were bounded and were in his lap. My skin tingled at where it touched him, but I ignored the feelings. He looked at me, but this time, there was something else in his eyes. I have never seen someone whose eyes speak that much.

I think I am making a mistake. What if he killed me too, but what other choice does I have. If he didn't kill me, then Margaret would one day. It's better to die knowing I tried my best rather than living in vain.

"Are you not done yet?" The guard said, and I flinched at the loud voice. I immediately scrambled up, holding the empty utensils, and turned around without looking back at him.

It's up to him now what he will do, whether he will break my trust or help me in running away. I washed the plates and went to sleep, knowing I won't get any food tonight as my food was given to beast.

I laid down on my mattress to sleep, and all the other girls were already asleep. I couldn't sleep too worried about what was about to come. Would he be able to escape? Will he take me with him? Have I done wrong by helping him?

All these questions kept roaming in my mind the whole night until at one point of the night I was able to fall asleep.


I woke up to the loud shrieks and cries. All the other girls were also awake and looked scared.

"Everything... everything's on fire...!" Lillian came running inside frantically.

"Run... they.. are here... he ... killed everyone... Beast killed everyone!" She said, and I shuddered. What have I done?

I sat there as all the other girls ran out, I only realized that I was alone when I heard a shriek nearby. I scrambled to my feet and ran out but stopped when I saw a man slicing another man's throat. This man wasn't from our village.

I took a few steps back without making any sound. I was crying at what I saw, he then grabbed another man and did the same with him too.

When I was at a good distance from him, I ran away. It's his people. They are with the Beast... I thought as I kept running. I stumbled on something and fell down, my head hitting the ground. I whimpered and sat up, I looked behind to see what I stumbled on and gasped when I saw a man covered with blood. He was dead!
I crawled away from the dead body and looked around.

All the houses were on fire, and there were dead bodies around the place. At some distance, I saw Miss Margaret's dead body. Her eyes were open. I started sobbing as I took in everything.

I scrambled on my feet and started running towards the forest where everyone else was running but stopped when I saw Beast. He was beating the guard, the same guard who was misbehaving with me a few hours ago. He sliced his throat in one go, and I covered my mouth as not to scream.

But his eyes fell on me as if he sensed my presence. His eyes were hard as he killed everyone on his way. I start running towards the forest, not wanting to die, certainly not by his hands. He is cruel and heartless, just like the village people. He is no different, may be worse than them.

I kept running, not looking back, but I felt a presence behind me, may be I was hallucinating, but I felt like someone was running behind me. In my haste, I didn't realize where I was going and fell in a pit that came out of nowhere. My head hit a stone, and I lost my vision for a moment. My leg couldn't move as I tried sitting up.

I let out a sob at my condition, so this is it? That is how I will die? The only regret is that I won't be able to say goodbye to Henry. Who will tell him not to wait for me anymore?

I kept looking up at the dark sky with my blurry vision, waiting for the death to come. I was losing my breath as I closed my eyes and finally welcomed darkness.

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